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Analysis of Child Play Therapy Beginner's Oral Response-Based Filial Therapy Training Program
作者 洪慧涓施玉麗
This study examines the changes in verbal responses and learning experiences in the filial therapy training model that was applied to high-skilled and low-skilled university-level consulting novices. Qualitative research methods are applied in this study for document analysis, focus group interviews, and an analysis of CD image analysis. We arrived at several conclusions through the purposes and problems of this study: 1. The more common response by the high-skilled group was “content response,” but “tracking behavior” and “content response” were more common for the low-skilled group. There was no commonness in the non-benefit response by high-skilled and lowskilled groups, but there were individual differences. 2. The most apparent benefit responses were “tracking behavior” and “content response.” A non-apparent difference among these 2 groups is “emotional response.” The common hidden benefit responses are “extended meaning” and “limit setting,” which can be referred to as the ability and mentality of novices. The major and minor apparent benefit responses were inconsistent and were affected by individual ability, children's characteristics, and the property of games. The least common response among the 2 groups is “judge and praise,” which has a positive effect that was recognized by the 2 groups. Beneficial responses were both more than non-benefit responses among these 2 groups, indicating that both were able to enact positive responses for assisting children in the game section. 3. Both high-skilled and low-skilled groups believe that the filial therapy training model can promote an individual toward accepting a follower role, thinking highly of relationships, and internalizing skills and observation.
起訖頁 43-64
關鍵詞 親子遊戲治療口語反應遊戲治療filial therapy training modelverbal responsesplay therapist
刊名 台灣遊戲治療學報  
期數 201212 (2期)
出版單位 台灣遊戲治療學會
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