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Analysis and Discussion of the Possible Causes of Teenage School Dropouts
作者 許舜賢
本文旨在透過國中小學之青少年中途輟學的現況分析與相關文獻探討,加以分析論述中途輟學的成因與淺見。文中藉由101學年度全國國民中小學中輟生通報統計數據分析結果,與相關文獻探討的綜合評論,作為事前防範之參考。本研究以生態系統理論,將所分析的中輟統計數據分類為個人、家庭、學校與社會四項因素,中途輟學在個人因素方面,青少年人格特質缺少正向心態造成生活作息不正常為其主要因素;家庭因素方面,親子關係衝突與管教問題為主要因素;學校因素方面,缺少成功經驗間接對學校生活不感興趣為其主要因素;在社會因素方面受校外不良誘因吸引為主要因素。 透過落實輔導,發展多元彈性課程、加強親職教育,提升家庭教育功能、提供多元展能舞臺,創造成功經驗、教育與警政合作,營造友善健康的成長學習環境等,將每個學生都救回來,不放棄任何一位學生,共同為校園零中輟努力。
This study mainly uses the current analysis and related literature on elementary and junior high school dropouts to analyze and discuss the causes and opinions regarding school dropouts. Via analyzing the statistical figures of Taiwan's elementary and junior high school dropouts in 2012 and discussing related literature, this paper aims to serve as a reference for the preemptive prevention of school dropouts. This study uses ecological systems theory to analyze the statistics regarding school dropouts and categorizes the causes for students to drop out of school into four categories: individual, family, school, and society. In the individual category, the main factor that causes students to drop out is a lack of positive attitudes in the personalities of teenage students, leading to abnormal lifestyles. In the family category, the main factors are disputes in parent-child relationships and issues regarding parental discipline. In the school category, the main factor is that students are not interested in school because of a lack of success in school activities. In the society category, the main factor is that students are drawn to unhealthy attractions outside of school. In order to bring every student back to school, not leave any student behind, and strive toward the goal of ''zero school dropouts'', we need to implement counseling, develop diverse and flexible classes, improve parental education, promote the functions of family education, provide various opportunities for students to show their talents, allow students to experience success, create a cooperative relationship between education and the police, and create a friendly and healthy environment for study and growth.
起訖頁 161-178
關鍵詞 青少年中輟家庭教育學校教育teenagersschool dropoutsfamily educationschool education
刊名 臺灣教育評論月刊  
期數 201508 (4:8期)
出版單位 臺灣教育評論學會
該期刊-上一篇 理想的教科書設計:以學習為中心




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