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Recording Response Codability Live: An Investigation of Its Usefulness and Possible Interference
作者 楊孟麗
A codable response is an initial response which matches one of the response options. Among the various interviewer’s and respondent’s behaviors that survey researchers collect, the information of whether an initial response is codable (response codability, RC) is the most useful in evaluating survey questionnaires and data quality. Yet, because RC is always additionally coded after surveys, along with other behaviors, the information is rarely used in social science research. Instead, social scientists rely on a closely related index of the response behavior, response latency (RL, the length of time taken to answer a question), to tap respondents’underlying mental processes when answering a question. The use of RL brings challenges, however, because respondents may answer before the question is finished, give an extremely lengthy response, or engage in conversations unrelated to the question. Researchers’strategies of dealing with the challenges in turn bring uncertainty to their findings. Such challenges are not likely to emerge when using RC, because RC considers only whether the response is codable or not. This becomes an advantage for applying RC to social science research.
This paper suggests that useful RC information can be collected during survey interviews. It posits that interviewers can accurately record RC live without interfering with the interviewing, because they are used to evaluating the adequacy of every answer in each question-answer sequence. In addition, to show the usefulness of RC, it argues that RC is associated with response processes in ways parallel to RL. The propositions are assessed in three studies, using two surveys con¬ducted in 2017 and 2018. Interviewers recorded RC live in both sur¬veys. RC information for the 2017 survey was additionally indepen¬dently collected for verification of the interviewers’RC records.
Study 1 examines hypotheses concerning accuracy of the inter¬viewers’RC records for the 2017 survey. The accuracy rate was 93.4%. Results of three-level logistic regression models further support the hypotheses by showing that the accuracy increased as interviewers recorded for more interviews. Study 2 assesses the usefulness of the interviewers’records for social science research by using the interview¬ers’RC records and the verification records. Hypotheses on associations of RC with two response processes (attitude accessibility and acquies¬cence) were formed based on research using RL. That is, a codable response is associated with higher likelihoods of both strong attitudes and acquiescence. Analytical results of the interviewers’records were similar to those of accurate information, and both were able to predict the two processes. Study 3 roughly assesses whether the RC recording task interfered with interviewing, by using incidences of inappropriate probing in the 2018 survey. A cross-tabulation suggests that frequencies of inappropriate probing were related to question types, but not related to the task. In conclusion, this paper contributes to social science research by showing that reliable RC information can be made available by interviewers recording it live. The paper ends with discussions of the consistency of findings concerning the two processes with prior research, of guidelines for interviewer training, and of limitations.
起訖頁 9-56
關鍵詞 可過錄的回答調查周邊資料訪員記錄正確度訪員經驗回答歷程的指標codable responsesurvey paradataaccuracy of interviewers’recordsinterviewer experienceindex of response processes
刊名 調查研究—方法與應用  
期數 202310 (51期)
出版單位 中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心調查研究專題中心
該期刊-下一篇 追蹤調查中問卷回答品質的混合模式效應




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