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Research on the factors affecting the success and failure of epidemic prevention and control problems and countermeasures in mainland China from 2019 to 2022
作者 李世敏
This article is to discuss the CCP’s large-scale COVID-19 novel coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, mainland China from 2019 to 2022, from being at a loss and not responding in a timely manner, to large-scale city closures, the establishment of square cabin hospitals, and from the police being “reprimanded” Dr. Li Wenliang, a whistleblower, has become ''sung''. The official admitted that the police's admonishment was improper, and the police were recorded and administratively punished. In addition, the Wuhan doctor Ai Fen who was censored since the early outbreak exposure caused anger on Chinese social media. Initiated the creation of different language versions to compete with censorship. From February 19, 2020, Wuhan strengthened its border control and comprehensive ''city closure'' measures. By March 14, 2020, Hubei Province's blockade was gradually relaxed, allowing people with ''green codes'' who have not been diagnosed Traveling in Hubei, until April 8th when Wuhan lifted the departure control and resumed external traffic. In late May, major night markets in Wuhan reopened. In addition, on March 27th, 2022, due to the large-scale infection of the new coronavirus Omicron variant, As a result, Shanghai, a model of epidemic prevention, had to abandon the ''precise prevention and control'' strategy and abide by the central government's ''dynamic clearing'' policy. Therefore, starting from March 28, with the Huangpu River as the boundary, the city was closed again in ''districts and batches''. Therefore, this paper will discuss the CCP regime under the governance of the ''authoritarian regime''. Facing the analysis of the ''dynamic zeroing'' strategy and the ''precise prevention and control'' strategy of epidemic prevention and control in the ''democratic regime'', what is the impact on the CCP regime? For this paper Motivation for research.
起訖頁 25-37
關鍵詞 COVID-19新型冠狀病毒Omicron威權政體民主政體動態清零精準防控COVID-19novel coronavirus Omicronauthoritarian regimedemocratic regimedynamic clearingprecise prevention and control
刊名 中國地方自治  
期數 202311 (76:11期)
出版單位 中國地方自治學會
該期刊-上一篇 中華王道文化與兩岸地方治理經驗之融合發展
該期刊-下一篇 北漂的酸甜苦辣




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