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Notes on the nesting records of the Taiwan Partridge Arborophila crudigularis
作者 林瑞興 (Ruey-Shing Lin)姚正得陳宛均
臺灣特有種鳥類臺灣山鷓鴣(Arborophila crudigularis)的鳥巢及繁殖行為甚少報導,為補足其基礎繁殖行為資訊,本文提供2001、2005及2006年於雲林縣湖本村發現的3個繁殖紀錄。發現臺灣山鷓鴣於乾溪谷的樹木基部,以落葉與細樹枝築巢,每窩蛋數為3-4顆蛋。2006年發現的巢,以錄影方式記錄,發現其孵蛋期為24-26天,親鳥平均每日孵蛋時數20.8小時(18.4-24.8小時),坐巢親鳥通常僅於清晨離開鳥巢1次,並在離巢前啄起巢前的枯枝落葉覆蓋鳥巢。幼鳥孵化後於0或1日齡即可隨親鳥離巢活動,1或2日齡時不再回巢。
The nesting and breeding behavior of the Taiwan Partridge (Arborophila crudigularis), an endemic species in Taiwan, is rarely reported. However, in 2001, 2005, and 2006, three nests were discovered in Huben Village, Yunlin County. These nests were found at the base of trees or bamboo in the dry creek valley, and were constructed using fallen leaves and fine twigs. The clutch size of the Taiwan Partridge was three to four eggs. In 2006, the nesting behavior of this species was observed and recorded by video. The incubation period was 24-26 days, and the average time that the parent spent sitting on the nest was 20.8 hrs, with a range of 18.4 to 24.8 hrs. The nesting adult usually left the nest only once in the early morning, during which time it picked up dead leaves and twigs in front of the nest with its bill and threw them back over the nest. The newly hatched chicks (Day 0-1) left the nest with their parental bird, and did not return after Day 1 or Day 2.
起訖頁 29-39
關鍵詞 早熟鳥繁殖行為窩卵數孵蛋期Altricial birdbreeding behaviorclutch sizeincubation period
刊名 台灣生物多樣性研究  
期數 202310 (25:4期)
出版單位 農委會特有生物研究保育中心
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣東部及南部地區的澤蟹屬(Genus Geothelphusa)物種分布、溪流環境參數及指標資料集




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