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Woodblock Printing by the Mu Chieftains of Lijiang
作者 楊勝祥
Woodblock printing activities of chieftain are worthy of attention in the history of publishing in China. The woodblock printing activities of the Mu (木氏) chieftains of Lijiang (麗江) is a representative case. This paper first clarifies some relevant problems which could not be solved by previous studies. According to the research statistics, there are up to 34 block-printed editions published by chieftain Mu. The woodblock printing activities of chieftain Mu took place during the reign of Six Masters in the Mu Family (木氏六公). The locations where these books were made were not fixed. The character of these editions is Suzhou (蘇州) style appreciated by Chinese traditional literati. Originating from Three Immortal Deeds of Confucianism and Buddhist concept of merits, these books can be divided into Mu’s works, historical materials for family and religious books. Chinese characters and minority writings both were applied in these books, which is different from other private printing. The woodblock printing activities of chieftain Mu not only holds a place in the history of publishing in China, but also is an important sign of cultural identity in Tusi (土司) areas.
起訖頁 153-179
關鍵詞 土司出版史雕版印刷少數民族麗江木氏ChieftainThe History of PublishingWoodblock PrintingMinority NationalitiesMu Chieftains of Lijiang
刊名 圖書資訊學刊  
期數 202312 (21:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學系
該期刊-上一篇 影響資訊服務產品開發人員應用開放政府資料經驗之因素探討
該期刊-下一篇 基於讀者借閱管道選擇的線上共用書店與圖書館競合關係研究




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