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Exploring Online Art Museum Website Design Criteria from the Perspective of Special Interest Visitors
作者 吳怡瑾賴以靜胡宜中 (Yi-Chung Hu)
博物館如何整合數位和實體博物館的優勢與機會,以提升觀眾體驗與再訪意願為重要挑戰。本研究以國立故宮博物院及奇美博物館網站為研究標的,招募30位對藝文具有興趣之觀眾進行研究。研究參考過去博物館評估架構,並以修正式德爾菲法發展數位博物館網站設計之評估架構。研究方法採用多準則決策之決策實驗室法為基礎的網路程序分析法(DEMATEL-based ANP)分析線上博物館網站設計之關鍵準則與其關聯性,後續並進行質性訪談。研究結果顯示,觀眾重視網站「互動」與「內容與設計」之享樂性構面;在準則部分具有美學意義的「媒體設計」,為最重要且影響其它準則;屬於「回饋性」準則之社群經營對博物館推廣具有效益。研究希冀提供博物館網站評估架構並指引網站設計方向。
How to integrate the strengths and opportunities of digital and physical museums to enhance visitors’experiences and encourage them to revisit the museums is a challenge. We used the websites of the National Palace Museum and the CHIMEI Museum in Taiwan as research targets to recruit thirty participants who have special interests in arts. We examined important criteria of evaluating museum websites based on the related frameworks of literature and adopted the modified Delphi method to develop the evaluation framework. We then analyzed their weight, causal relationship, and performance according to a multi-criteria decision-making approach, specifically the decision making trial and evaluation laboratory-based analytical network processing (DEMATEL-based ANP) approach. Then, we carried out qualitative interviews to gain a thorough understanding of the viewpoints of participants. The evaluation results demonstrate that the interactivity of the museum in regards to audience entertainment and engagement is the most important dimension. Furthermore, the criterion of“multimedia design”related to esthetic is a key factor to museum performance and can easily influence other criteria. Moreover, the“feedback”criteria show the importance of social media in promoting the museums and maintaining long-term relationships with visitors. This study can provide future research with a reference framework and guidance in the design of museum websites in consideration of special interest visitors needs and experiences.
起訖頁 47-88
關鍵詞 決策實驗室為基礎之網路程序分析法互動媒體設計線上博物館網站設計Decision Making Trial and Evaluation LaboratoryInteractivelyMultimedia DesignOnline MuseumWebsite Design
刊名 圖書資訊學刊  
期數 202312 (21:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學系
該期刊-上一篇 臺中日韓商管領域學者之研究表現、研究合作及遷移情形:國際遷移者與國內遷移者的比較分析
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