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Competency- Based Curriculum and Teaching Practice–A Case Study of Fish-Based Diet Education in a Public School Managed by the Private Sector
作者 陳碧卿范熾文 (Chi-Win Fan)
The purpose of this research is to explore the implementation of the '' fish-based diet education'' curriculum and teaching practice in a public school managed by the private sector, use semi-structured interview method and document analysis method to evaluate relevant texts, and to conduct research on the concept of fish-based diet education curriculum, the implementation process of fish-based diet education curriculum, the characteristics of fish-based diet education curriculum teaching and evaluation, and the effectiveness of fish-based diet education implementation.
According to the analysis and discussion of the research results, the following conclusions are obtained:(a) The philosophy of fish-based diet education development includes understand the resources and culture of hometown , caring for hometown and protecting marine resources, regain our instincts, understanding the concept of food safety from '' fish-based diet ''. (b) The curriculum planning process from discussing the fish species to be taught to designing a series of learning plans combining various fields, and to organize the curriculum system for fish-eating education.(c)The characteristics of the implementation of fish-based diet education curriculum include integrate school-based themes into implementation in various fields, implement the teaching of life experience, guided thinking model to establish the concept of marine sustainability, respect and gratitude that integrates life and nature , learning is full of surprises and interest , and implement multiple learning assessments . (d)The last part is the effectiveness of the implementation of fish-based diet education .The first part is: Students show more enthusiasm of learning. Learn to think independently and empathize with each other. They learn to be grateful and establish environmentally friendly perceptions, attitudes and actions, and to increase interpersonal interaction and community connection.
Finally, three suggestions are put forward for reference:(a) Encourage various fields of expertise and teacher partners to set up learning communities to deepen the fish-based diet curriculum;(b) Continue to train teachers to have the ability to design competency- based curriculum, construct and enrich self-edited teaching materials;(c) Introduce community parents to learn together and join themed curriculum of the industry-government-academic cooperation model.
起訖頁 264-291
關鍵詞 素養導向教學食魚教育公辦民營學校Competency-Based TeachingFish-Based Diet EducationPublic School Managed by the Private Ssector
刊名 臺灣教育評論月刊  
期數 202108 (10:8期)
出版單位 臺灣教育評論學會
該期刊-上一篇 國中階段新移民課程方案發展之個案研究




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