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Reflections on Global Sustainable Development Issues in the“Post-Pandemic Era”Based on the Themes of the Bali Arts Festival
Reflections on Global Sustainable Development Issues in the“Post-Pandemic Era”Based on the Themes of the Bali Arts Festival
作者 LIN Kuo-Chen (LIN Kuo-Chen)
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread globally, the 2021 and 2022 Bali Arts Festival devoted efforts to the creation of the opening film to enhance the quality. The content mixed traditional Indonesian rituals and contemporary issues and clearly expressed the following concept: “Hindu beliefs are still the daily spiritual medicine of the Balinese people when the plague spreads, while ‘wearing a transparent epidemic prevention mask, dancing to traditional music, and spreading it to the world through virtual networks’ is a form of sharing and flow in the post-pandemic era. It may become a ritual form to sustain the Bali Arts Festival.”
The pandemic has affected the border control measures of countries around the world. Therefore, instead of conducting research abroad, this study adopted online participation and interviews for a comparison with the fieldwork and relevant literature reviews conducted in Bali during 2019. This article is written with an analytical approach that places experience first.
This study found that the themes and connotations of the Bali Arts Festival over the years reflect the Balinese people’s attitude of worshipfulness and belief in the natural ecology, while the goals and spirits of the United Nations’ sustainable development have been interpreted with diverse art forms. This is an important point that reminds us that we should critically reflect on the dominating theories of the globalized economy, and be aware of the significance of the “epistemologies of the south” and the concept of sustainability in the development of all mankind in the “post-pandemic era.”
起訖頁 123-150
關鍵詞 Bali Arts FestivalRitual CulturePost-pandemic EraEpistemologies of the SouthUN Sustainable Development Goals
刊名 臺灣東南亞學刊  
期數 202310 (18:2期)
出版單位 國立暨南國際大學東南亞研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 泰式民主的核心:父權專制主義的塑造與實踐




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