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Development of Expert’s Conception and Problem Situation Questionnaire in High School Nanotechnology Curriculum
作者 盧秀琴 (Chow-Chin Lu)宋家驥
為瞭解台灣地區「奈米國家型科技人才培育計畫」高中奈米科技課程開發的成效,用以分析高中學生對奈米科技概念應有的理解,本研究邀請奈米科技專家、科學教育專家和高中奈米科技教學的教師,組成研究團隊,使用焦點團體法共同發展台灣地區高中奈米科技課程的專家概念圖、命題知識陳述與情境式問卷,並外聘專家群完成內容效度的檢覈。研究結果包括:(1)高中「奈米科技」的專家概念圖包含:認知、情意態度和技能發展等三個主概念,每一個主概念再各自從普遍概念發展到特殊概念,並以例子做說明,加以澄清其概念。(2)由高中奈米科技專家概念圖發展成命題知識陳述,強調科學名詞的語意關係,並增加科學原理的說明。(3)由高中奈米科技專家概念圖和命題知識陳述發展成情境式問卷,分成 17個「命題情境」,學生先閱讀「命題情境」後再回答該情境所出的 1-3 開放式問題。(4)情境式問卷可以蒐集學生的回答,作為編製二階層診斷式試題的參考,以便教師後續研究使用。
To understand the achievement of high school nanotechnology curriculum in the “Nanotechnology Human Resource Development Program” and to analyze high-school student's knowledge of nanotechnology conception in Taiwan, this research developed an expert concept map, declarative knowledge statements and a situated questionnaire for high school nanotechnology curriculum by conducting focus group interviews with experts in nanotechnology, science education and high-school nanotechnology teachers. Content validity was confirmed by specialist sub-group's review. The results were: 1. the high school “Nanotechnology” expert concept map includes three main domains: Cognitive, affection and skills development. Concepts in each domain are from general to specific, and examples are used to clarify these conception. 2. High school nanotechnology statement transform expert concepts map into declarative knowledge statement, emphasizing the meaning between scientific terms and increasing science principles description. 3. The expert concept map and declarative knowledge statements are transferred into a high school nanotechnology problem situation questionnaire, which contained 17 proposition situation. First, we ask students to read the “proposition situation”, and then answer one to three open-ended questions. 4. The situated questionnaire was administered and the responses collected from the students serve as a reference for the Two-Tier Diagnostic Test, and also serves as data for teacher's future study.
起訖頁 85-114
關鍵詞 奈米科技概念圖情境式問卷焦點團體法命題知識陳述nanotechnologydeclarative knowledge statementconcept mapproblem situation questionnairefocus group interview
刊名 教育實踐與研究  
期數 201006 (23:1期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 國中班級經營與班級氣氛相關因素之探討:關係攻擊與關係受害
該期刊-下一篇 「攜手計畫—課後扶助方案」實施歷程與成效之研究




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