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Junior High School Students' Conception of Ecology and Environment
作者 林達森
本研究旨在發展「生態與環境概念認知測驗」,並實際對國中學生進行施測,以瞭解國中學生生態與環境概念認識情況,並探究生物能量概念理解及其他相關因素對生態與環境概念學習成效之預測程度。藉由相關文獻研閱、國中自然與生活科技領域教科書內容分析及對國中學生晤談,發展完成「生態與環境概念認知測驗」,其信效度符合測驗理論之規範。將此測驗以及林達森(2004a)發展之「生物能量概念測驗」對隨機抽選之嘉南地區七縣市,共計16 校50 個班級1735 位學生進行施測,最終有效樣本為1702 位,所得數據以SPSS 軟體進行描述統計、變異數分析及多元回歸分析。結果如下:1.國中學生在生態與環境概念認識情況因性別、家長學歷、家長職業、成長環境及學校位置的不同,存在顯著差異;2.學生性別、家長學歷、家長職業、成長環境、學校位置及生物能量概念理解程度等變項,能有效預測學生在生態與環境概念學習成果;3.國中學生在學習過有關生態與環境相關課程後,對於生態系的組成成分、生物環境依存關係、生態平衡、自然界中生產者與消費者的角色功能、物質循環與能量流動、生物界中各營養級特性、生物多樣性及不同種類環境資源的特徵等概念,仍存在有相當程度的另有概念。
The purpose of this study was to develop “The Test of Concepts in Ecology and Environment for Secondary School Students” and to investigate the junior high students' conceptions of ecology and environment. This test was constructed based on related literature review, content analysis of textbooks, and interviews with high school students. This test and “The Test of Concepts of Bioenergetics” previously developed by the author were used in the study. 1735 students sampled from 50 classes in 16 junior high schools located in Chia-Nan area participated in this study. They all took the two aforementioned tests. Totally, 1702 questionnaires were complete. The data collected were computed basic statistics and analyzed with ANOVA and multiple regression to predict effects of environmental education by bioenergetics understanding, gender difference, and other backgrounds. Major results were as follows: first, there were significant differences in conceptions about ecological environment among the students with different genders, parents' educational backgrounds and occupations, living environments, and school locations; second, the effects of environmental education could be predicted by bioenergetics understandings, gender, and other backgrounds; and third, .the students still had many alternative conceptions in ecological environment concepts after learning.
起訖頁 65-93
關鍵詞 生態環境概念理解環境教育EcologyEnvironmentConcept understandingEnvironmental education
刊名 教育實踐與研究  
期數 200709 (20:2期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 「臺灣老照片數位博物館」融入國小歷史教學的歷程與結果
該期刊-下一篇 績效控制或專業發展?--大學教師評鑑的兩難




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