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「Fusion of Horizons」 in a Teaching Transformation Process in Life Education
作者 吳靖國
研究者對自身教授之「生命教育」教學實踐進行檢討後,將H. G. Gadamer的「視域交融」理念作為改善該科目的教學主軸,並透過本研究來掌握學生對「視域交融」理念融入「生命教育」課程後,從理念到實踐的轉化歷程。在教學過程中,透過情境觀察及作業分析兩途徑來蒐集與分析相關資料。同時,研究者回顧整體教學歷程,詮釋「視域交融」理念如何從教學理念層次轉化為教學實踐層次。經研究發現,學生學習的轉化歷程包括脈絡化、具體化、行動化、意義化和融貫化五個連續階段,其中「行動化」階段乃是整個學習之轉化歷程的核心點,是促使個人轉化與教學轉化兩者相互接軌之處。這也顯示出,讓學生能夠將所習得的「視域交融」理念在行動中主動地表現出來,才是真正理解此概念,也才能促其獲得真正的成長。
This action research study attempted to understand the transformative process and the teaching effect of applying the “fusion of horizons” to the curriculum of Life Education in a university classroom. In order to collect and analyze data for evidence, this study used two methods: circumstance observation and document analysis. In this course, the teacher transformed the conception of “fusion of horizons” into two essential concepts of “ground” and “vision” and put it into the teaching of Life Education to encourage students to apply it in their learning process. This study described five sequential stages for the teaching transformative process, including contextualization, concretization, activation, meaningfulness, and integration. Among these, “activation,” which linked the individual and teaching transformation, was found to be the key stage in this process. This showed that when students actively practiced the conception of “fusion of horizons” in their life, they reached a true understanding of it and experienced a real growth.
起訖頁 129-156
關鍵詞 視域交融生命教育行動研究Life educationFusion of horizonsAction research
刊名 教育實踐與研究  
期數 200709 (20:2期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 績效控制或專業發展?--大學教師評鑑的兩難
該期刊-下一篇 大專校院之專題製作課程與產業需求的關係:以機械領域為例




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