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The Study on the Option of the Modes of Economic Growth Under the Drastically Changeable Global Economy
作者 曹為忠陳律睿 (Lu-Jui Chen)
The mode of economic growth consists of domestic demand-led growth and export-led growth; the former has often been intentionally disregarded by the government authorities because for long many economies have been encouraged to follow suit after Japan achieved marvelously with the latter as the axis of her mode of economic growth. Sure enough, export-led growth has created quite a few ''economic miracles'', but it also has drawbacks and produces some negative effects, which have been significantly accentuated since Mainland China actively took part in the international trade activities. This brings unprecedented challenges to export-led growth as a result. But under the umbrella of persistent strengthening of ''dollar standard'', the exportled growth continues to do the trick. In view of the outbreak of U.S. financial crises in recent years, which has battered the global economy, it seems imperative to examine the urgency of balancing the mode of economic growth by giving consideration to both export-led growth and domestic demandled growth aiming at working out the complementary effect. The domestic demand-led growth, however, can hardly get a boost without the structural reforms, and this is a major task that the government authorities should take seriously.
起訖頁 54-77
關鍵詞 國內需求帶動成長出口帶動成長美元本位domestic demand-led growthexport-led growthdollar standard
刊名 臺灣經濟論衡  
期數 201404 (12:4期)
出版單位 行政院國家發展委員會
該期刊-上一篇 示範區啟動,畜產業起飛,專訪台灣農畜產工業股份有限公司董事長張裕屏
該期刊-下一篇 103年3月份景氣概況




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