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The Second Reform of Japan's Fiscal Investment and Loan Program and the PrincipalAgent Problem
作者 馬道黃子容陳又珍
This paper seeks to analyze how the principal-agent problem affects Japan's Fiscal Investment and Loan Program(FILP)before and after the second reform of this Program. Prior to the reform, there was a serious principal-agent problem between the Japanese government and the agencies with which entrusted the implementation of the FILP. All of these FILP agencies were public-sector bodies that were in receipt of government subsidies and were not subject to market discipline; as a result, their operational performance was unimpressive. Ill-advised investment decisions made by the FILP agencies led to the incurring of bad debts. The present study examines whether the principal-agent problem can be solved through the second reform depends on attempts made from both the market aspects and organizational aspects. The Japanese government has instructed the FILP agencies to issue FILP agency bonds, so as to bring the market mechanism back in track. In examining the relationship between the FILP agency bonds issued and government bonds since the second reform, the present study found that the market mechanism was in operation following the reform. Additionally, the principal-agent problem can be solved when the FILP agencies raise funds from the markets. Those FLIP agencies that are depended on government budget appropriations for their funding have gone some way towards solving the principal-agent problem due to the market discipline which has also helped to improve the operational performance. The objectives of the government policy are met when other quasi-public sector bodies(special corporations)privatized in line with government policy and the sources of information are opened.
起訖頁 48-73
關鍵詞 日本財政投融資制度財投機構債2001年財投改革Japan's Fiscal Investment and Loan ProgramFLIP agency bondsthe FLIP reforms of 2001
刊名 臺灣經濟論衡  
期數 201006 (8:6期)
出版單位 行政院國家發展委員會
該期刊-上一篇 98年國家建設計畫執行檢討系列三:重要施政成果
該期刊-下一篇 國家節能減碳總計畫




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