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作者 李堅明 (Chien-Ming Lee)黃宗煌孫一菱莊敏芳
全球暖化(global worming)已成為本世紀各國首要共同對抗的環境問題,政府各項因應對策的終極目標,即是能夠達到溫室氣體排放與經濟成長的脫鉤(decoupling),亦成為檢視溫室氣體減量政策與措施的最關鍵績效指標。
The decoupling of CO2 emissions and economic growth has already become a performance indicator for examining advanced countries’greenhouse gas reduction and sustainable energy development policies. As defined by the OECD in 2002, decoupling means breaking the linkage between environmental pollution and economic growth. The decoupling indicator measures the imbalance between the two growth rates during a certain period. The lower the value of the indicator, the better. When the decoupling indicator has been converted into a decoupling factor (1–decoupling indicator), the higher the value of the factor the better.
Using the latest international decoupling indicators for Taiwan’s statistics and conducting empirical analysis, this study makes the following findings: (1) Using the OECD decoupling factor measurement (with the preceding year as the base year), it finds that 2000 was a watershed year, with coupling evident up to that year and negative coupling appearing from 2000 onward, showing that Taiwan’s overall economic performance had been decoupled from CO2 emission. (2)In the 13 years from 1991 to 2003, Taiwan on average displayed a weak decoupling phenomenon, with the industrial sector first showing an increase in connectivity before changing to a weak decoupling. (3) The different coupling indicators utilize different bases of estimation and produce slight variance of results, but have differing significance and need to be carefully interpreted to avoid misleading policy direction.
起訖頁 1-24
刊名 臺灣經濟論衡  
期數 200603 (4:3期)
出版單位 行政院國家發展委員會
該期刊-下一篇 台灣新經濟簡訊Vol.4 No.3




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