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作者 王素彎連文榮
It is visible as an international trend that female entrepreneurs are gradually becoming a major driving force of economic growth and that female corporate executives are a new force for the vitalization of economies. In Taiwan, in the wake of social liberalization and the development of the knowledge economy, there has been a steady rise in the ratio of female entrepreneurs. In view of the rising importance of females in the domestic enterprise sector, this study draws on 2003 data for enterprises run by women, manpower resources indicators, and the utilization of enterprise startup loans, to cast light on the state of development of female entrepreneurship in Taiwan, and, through interviews with 30 female entrepreneurs, induces common patterns of female entrepreneurship, to serve as model and study references for women’s participation in enterprise activity. The study also presents policy recommendations for assisting female entrepreneurship.
This study finds that female entrepreneurship patterns in Taiwan can be differentiated according to motive, prior possession of expertise, market and product form, source of venture capital, brand management, and marketing channels. To target the rising demand of females to set up businesses and the increasing diversity of enterprise startup models, the government could offer the following assistance: 1) setting up a platform for sharing of knowledge among female entrepreneurs; 2) continuing to assist the end-to-end needs of female entrepreneurs; 3) setting up business incubation centers for female entrepreneurs; 4) setting up a venture capital fund for females and easing repayment time-limits for business startup loans; and 5) helping raise the visibility of female enterprise marketing.
起訖頁 1-40
刊名 臺灣經濟論衡  
期數 200512 (3:12期)
出版單位 行政院國家發展委員會
該期刊-下一篇 Opening Speech for the 2005 Subtropical Green Building International Conference




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