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作者 張峰源
本文以2000、2002及2003年我國在美國所獲得專利之科學關聯指標(Science Linkage Index),說明我國科學研究(Science Research)與技術發展(Technology Development)之關聯度不高,可由大學及產業之研發投入及其產出中發現。首先,大學研發人力及經費投入,近幾年均呈成長趨勢,惟大學的研發產出以學術論文為主,與產業技術發展相關的研發活動較少,比較不容易產出與產業技術發展關聯度高的智財;其次,我國產業(製造業)研發經費近年雖有成長,但所進行之研發以製程改善為主,較少業者進行科學關聯度較高之研發,導致製造業所進行之研發科學關聯度不高。
在關聯度不高情況下,我國科學研究與技術發展間產生「死亡之谷(Valley of Death)」,為使科學研究與技術發展能夠互動良好,政府已從科學研究與技術發展二端,逐步建構科學研究與技術發展之中介機制(Intermediary Mechanism),本文亦將說明中介機制推動現況。
This article uses Taiwan's science linkage index for U.S. patents awarded in 2000, 2002, and 2003 to explain the low linkage between Taiwan's scientific research and technology development. This result is due largely to the academic orientation of R&D output at universities, which bears little relation to the development of industrial technology. Another reason is that the bulk of industrial R&D expenditure in Taiwan is aimed at improvements in industrial (manufacturing) processing, and few manufacturers are engaged in R&D with high science linkages. The low linkage between Taiwan’s scientific research and technology development has been likened to a“Valley of Death.”In order to correct this situation, the government is attempting to build an intermediary mechanism that will promote a beneficial and mutually reinforcing interaction between scientific research activity and the development of new technology.
起訖頁 47-70
刊名 臺灣經濟論衡  
期數 200406 (2:6期)
出版單位 行政院國家發展委員會
該期刊-上一篇 少子化、人口老化及人口減少的成因、衝擊與對策
該期刊-下一篇 台灣新經濟簡訊Vol.2 No.6




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