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Is Autocracy More Efficient in Defending the Pandemic than Democracy? The Case of COVID-19 Pandemic
作者 葉耀元
Most countries have suffered from the COVID-19 pandemic since 2020. The numbers of confirmed cases and casualties and the overloading medical systems are all visible issues and problems each country is dealing with on a daily basis. Many observers and experts argue that authoritarian countries seem to be more capable of defending the COVID-19 pandemic because they can ignore human rights and intervene aggressively into the society to implement anti-pandemic policy, which allows quicker response to the COVID-19 pandemic and better control of it at the same time. China and Singapore are notable cases in this regard. In comparison, democracies do not allow such interventions to personal liberty and human rights, making the COVID-19 pandemic more devastating in their respective countries. In this paper, I question whether regime types (democracy and autocracy) and their respective features could lead to better combating the COVID-19 pandemic. I argue that democratic deliberation among democracies allows a more comprehensive policy-making process by incorporating different voices from the society, and this process could enhance better control of the COVID-19 pandemic. On the other hand, for autocracies, such democratic features do not matter as the only key factor in determining whether autocracies could defend themselves from the COVID-19 pandemic is the ability to govern powered by the level of development. Therefore, whether democracies outperform autocracies in combating the COVID-19 pandemic, or vice versa, depends on different sets of conditions. I use the total number of COVID-19 confirmed cases and COVID-19 confirmed casualties of each country as the dependent variables and investigate these mechanisms. I find that democratic deliberation indeed reduces the confirmed cases and casualties among democracies, but this feature along with other democratic measures, are not associated with the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic among dictatorships. I also find that the level of development is positively associated with the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic, which is the opposite of my argument. In contrast, the alternative measure of development I employed, the Composite Index of National Capability (CINC), is supportive to my hypothesis for authoritarian states. I then conclude by promoting democratic deliberation in the policy-making process.
起訖頁 149-185
關鍵詞 新冠肺炎民主威權防疫效能審議式民主經濟成長The COVID-19 PandemicDemocracyAutocracyDemocratic DeliberationEconomic Development
刊名 問題與研究  
期數 202309 (62:3期)
出版單位 國立政治大學國際關係研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 重新找回政治制度在各國COVID-19防疫表現的重要性




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