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中正大學中文學術年刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Text and Visuality: Recent English-Language Scholarship on the Relationship Between Text, Viewing and Visuality in Pre-Modern China
作者 郭劼
This essay reviews recent English-language scholarship on the intertwined issues of text, viewing and visuality in the field of Chinese Studies. Over the past two decades, the question of the relationship between text and visuality has attracted attention not only from the field of art history, but also from areas such as literature, history, and women’s and gender studies. Clearly, this picture of the convergence of voices from multiple disciplines has to do with the fact that the question of the relationship between text and visuality constitutes an ideal site for performing interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary inquiries. In other words, this question enables scholars from different disciplines to at once consider the concepts of “text,” “viewing,” “the visual” and “visuality” from their unique perspectives and converse and contend with each other. In its examination of this body of scholarship, this essay pays special attention to the following questions: text and viewing in relation to literature; literature and visual arts (e.g. book illustration); viewing and media; print culture and visuality; material culture and visuality; women, gender, and visuality; and the body and text. Finally, to conclude, I call attention to the potential risk of overemphasizing the visual by privileging seeing over the senses of hearing, touching, smelling and tasting, and raise questions for further consideration.
起訖頁 35-67
關鍵詞 英語漢學界文本觀看視覺文化textviewingvisualitycultureand Chinese Studies in the Anglophone world
刊名 中正大學中文學術年刊  
期數 200912 (14期)
出版單位 國立中正大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 理學論述的「自然」概念
該期刊-下一篇 戰後日本文人畫與題畫詩之研究進路探析(1949-2009)




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