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Peking, the modern heart of darkness ——a research about Lu Xun and Qu Qiu-bai
作者 郝譽翔
The topic of this paper is discovering of the symbolic meanings of May-forth Literature through the early living in Beijing of Lu Xun and Qu Qiu-bai. They are both the representatives in the May-forth generations therefore they could be the best examples if we want to unveil the turning form the May-forth to Revolutionary Literature during 1920’s. Through the research of their living in Peking before 1918, we found the imaginations about “New” during May-forth are very different from the late Chin Dynasty because the influences of theⅠWorld War and the Russian Social Revolution. The other characteristic of the imagination about “New” is which the hope always goes with the disappointment and the light is always accompanied with the shadow. Lu Xun and Qu Qiu-bai both lost their farthers in childhood and were suffering a lot because of poverty. These homeless individuals have nowhere to go besides a strange land or city like Peking. Therefore they try to rebuild the connection between individual and the society also to reunite the broken home, hometown and even the country. This paper also tries to illustrate how Beijing is turned to be a thirdspace which location is between light and darkness, day and night, up and down. Peking in Lu Xun and Qu Qiu-bai’s writings is created by real material space and the imagined psychical space both then it is not just “Beijing” anymore. Through Peking, a combination of hometown and nation in May-forth Literature, these homeless writers finally found a new way to back “home”. This “home ” is an ideal one but not a real or an original one. It also became a model of which a modern nation of China should be during 1920’s.
起訖頁 23-47
關鍵詞 魯迅瞿秋白五四文學北京國族想像Lu XunQu Qiu-baiMay-forth LiteratureBeijingthe imagined nation
刊名 中正大學中文學術年刊  
期數 200906 (13期)
出版單位 國立中正大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 預借的現代性——論郁達夫對西方頹廢美學的挪用
該期刊-下一篇 影戲眼∕心眼∕心病的多層視窗:上海新感覺派小說中視覺書寫所繪製的心靈圖像




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