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Suningga’s Wanli Huijiang Tu and Qing Geographic Knowledge of Xinjiang in the Late Eighteenth Century
作者 孔令偉
中央研究院歷史語言研究所傅斯年圖書館庋藏有清朝蒙古旗人武將蘇寧阿(滿文Suningga, 1731-1805)於乾隆三十八年(1773)所製作之《萬里回疆圖》紙本設色地圖長卷,不僅係存世之孤本原件,富有文物價值之外;其地圖寫本以及所附圖說篇幅龐大而記載詳實,極具重要歷史意義。對研究十八世紀後期以降清代西域地理知識的發展,乃至於清朝基礎建設對新疆地景的影響而言,係不可多得之史料。該地圖圖像本體及圖說部分,詳細描繪十八世紀後期新疆之自然、人文地景,尤其反映清朝平定準噶爾後天山南麓的基礎建設與社會情況。此圖尤為可貴之處,在於所附題為〈山川影〉及〈西域回疆記略〉長篇序跋,作者在當中詳述其在十八世紀六○年代於新疆從軍時之見聞,又詳載關於此地圖之形成原委,深刻體現出宋明傳統堪輿學、清代西北史地學、中亞伊斯蘭地理學等多元知識傳統的交流。其圖文所載地理資訊範圍遼闊,以新疆為幹,旁及當時天下地理形勢,其中多有不見於清代傳世史料者,不僅對於攷察十八世紀下半葉的新疆史地具有重要價值,亦能為進一步深入理解清代地圖學、地理學與天下觀的發展提供關鍵線索。通過結合《萬里回疆圖》的地圖、圖說以及序跋中的時空資訊,並重點比較滿漢文檔案中的相關紀錄,本文將從十八世紀中國與中央歐亞間的歷史脈動出發,進一步攷察盛清西域地理知識的發展,乃至於清朝基礎建設對於新疆地景營造之影響。本文文末附有《萬里回疆圖》彩色照相、序跋全文錄文校注,並藉由地理資訊系統(GeographicInformation System)整合本文對該圖之史地考證,用以繪製清代南疆交通路線圖,以期為學界充分發掘其圖文史料之價值。
The Fu Ssu-nien Library of the Institute of History and Philology at Academia Sinica is in possession of Wanli Huijiang tu萬里回疆圖(Atlas of the Hui’s Territories), alarge map of Xinjiang produced by Suningga (Suning’a蘇寧阿in Chinese, 1731–1805), aQing Mongol banner officer, in 1773. As the only existing copy in the world, this colorful manuscript map is rich in cultural and heritage value. Additionally, it contains significant historical meanings in providing abundant pictorial and literary information on Xinjiang under the rule of the Qing dynasty in the late eighteenth century, especially regarding the so-called“xiyu”西域(western regions) and the influence of Qing infrastructure on Xinjiang’s landscape. The map, in this way, meticulously illustrates the natural and human landscape of southern Xinjiang, with attention paid to the infrastructure and social situation of Altishahr after the Qing conquest of the Zunghars. It should be noted that avoluminous preface and postscript are included in which Suningga elaborates the creation process of the map, namely it being based on his military experience in Xinjiang in the 1760s, writings which profoundly shed light on the interactions between diverse knowledge traditions such as Song-Ming geomancy, Qing historical and geographic studies of Northwest China, and Islamic geographic studies from Central Asia. Moreover, this map—centered on Xinjiang—contains extensive geographic records that profoundly reflect the author’s geographic understandings of“land under heaven”天下, thereby providing critical clues which further our apprehension of the development of cartography, geography, and related worldviews in the Qing empire.
By contextualizing the cartographic images and literary annotations of Wanli Huijiang tu together with related Qing records in Manchu and Chinese, the present article investigates the development of Qing geographic knowledge of the western regions as well as the above influences of Qing infrastructure by considering perspectives on the interactions between late imperial China and Central Eurasia in the eighteenth century. Finally, aside from including colorful photocopies of Wanli Huijiang tu and both its preface and postscript with critical annotations as appendices, this article, based on historical and philological studies of the map, has reconstructed the Qing traffic routes within southern Xinjiang by mapping it in ageographic information system.
起訖頁 573-651
關鍵詞 蘇寧阿《萬里回疆圖》清代新疆地圖西域史地地理學知識基礎建設Wanli Huijiang tu by SuninggaQing maps of Xinjianghistory and geography of“xiyu”geographic knowledgeinfrastructure
刊名 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊  
期數 202309 (94:3期)
出版單位 中央研究院歷史語言研究所
該期刊-上一篇 「制曰聞」與奏呈記錄:揚州蜀秀河M1木牘的文書學考察
該期刊-下一篇 蘇格蘭啟蒙思想中的中國




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