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Action Research on Developing a Mathematics Teaching Model for Mentoring Novice Teachers
作者 黃彥超
The study utilized action research to explore the implementation of assisting beginning teachers in constructing mathematics teaching models. The study focused on a novice teacher in a specific school and lasted for one year. Throughout the research process, data was collected through various methods, including class teaching, lesson preparation, lesson observation and discussion, and research diaries. The study drew several conclusions from the collected data:(1). Problem-posing, drawing pictures to solve problems, introducing calculation formulas, and facilitating discussions foster a classroom culture of inquiry, promote active participation, and enhance learning outcomes.(2). Teachers play a crucial role in scaffolding inquiry-based teaching, allowing students to take on a central role in the classroom.(3). Through mathematical exploration, the teacher develops mathematics pedagogical content knowledge, which bridges the gap between theory and practice.(4). Reflecting on actions facilitates the professional growth of teachers.(5). Effective class management is essential for effective teaching, serving as the foundation for a successful learning environment. Additionally, the researchers highlight the importance of teaching leadership and provide suggestions for guiding novice teachers based on findings.
起訖頁 87-120
關鍵詞 初任教師行動研究探究教學novice teacheraction researchinquiry-based teaching
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202309 (4:5期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 終身素養理念在大學生終身學習發展之探析
該期刊-下一篇 性別平等師資培育課程輔導效果之研究:以「性別與科技為例」




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