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The Impact and Implications of Selfdiscipline and Carbon Trading Market on the Legislation of Carbon Reduction Basic Laws in Cross-Strait Context: A Reflexive Law Theory Perspective
作者 陳芙萱廖義銘 (I-Ming Liao)
This study aims to compare the impact of legislation on carbon reduction basic laws in the cross-strait context on social self-discipline and the carbon trading market, using reflexive law theory as a benchmark. Firstly, the concept and principles of reflexive law theory are introduced, along with its application in legislation. The limitations of formalistic law are discussed, and a flexible approach is proposed, emphasizing the realization of legal objectives. In terms of social self-discipline, the establishment of a carbon trading market, information disclosure, and stakeholder orientation are examined. The carbon trading market incentivizes emission reduction actions through carbon pricing mechanisms, and transparent information disclosure and stakeholder participation are crucial for the successful operation of the carbon trading market. Finally, through analysis and evaluation of the legislation of carbon reduction basic laws in the cross-strait context, the similarities and differences between the two sides are compared.
起訖頁 5-27
關鍵詞 反身法理論減碳基本法立法社會自律碳排交易市場形式主義法律Reflexive law theorylegislation of carbon reduction basic lawssocial selfdisciplinecarbon trading marketformalistic law
刊名 中國地方自治  
期數 202310 (76:10期)
出版單位 中國地方自治學會
該期刊-上一篇 重現光輝十月話國慶
該期刊-下一篇 鄉村振興視角下農村治理的實踐探索:GS 村建設的經驗分析




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