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Relationship between Directors’Tenure, Multiple Directorships of Independent Directors, and Firm Performance - Evidence from Taiwanese Communication Network Industry
作者 張幸惠林雅蓮
With the release of the completed version of the network technical specifications in 2020 and the gradual maturity of related applications, investors expect that the communication network industry will have further development. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether directors’tenure and independent directors with multiple directorships influence firm performance in Taiwanese communication network industry. This study uses 147 listed firms for the period from 2010 to 2018 and employs the panel data model to conduct the analysis. The results show that directors’tenure has a significant and negative impact on firm performance. Long tenure may decrease board independence or impair innovation and growth opportunities, resulting in low firm performance. Independent directors with multiple directorships have an inverted U-shaped effect on firm performance, indicating that multiple directorships are effective at improving firm performance by providing vital outside resource but ineffective over a certain threshold value. This study also tests for robustness using up- and down-stream subsamples and two-stage least square method. The main results are robust in comparison to these alternative specifications, except for the U-shaped effect of directors’tenure on Tobin’s Q in up-stream manufacturers. Overall, firms can benefit from recruiting new directors who can bring firms with innovation and growth opportunities and independent directors who are not too busy.
起訖頁 277-304
關鍵詞 代理理論通信網路產業董事年資獨立董事兼任資源依賴理論Agency TheoryCommunication Network IndustryDirectors’TenureMultiple Directorships of Independent DirectorResource Dependence Theory
刊名 商管科技季刊  
期數 202309 (24:3期)
出版單位 教育部
該期刊-上一篇 在家工作行不行?科技業與教職業居家辦公之家庭──工作衝突對工作壓力與工作績效的影響
該期刊-下一篇 適性化測驗聊天機器人之設計與成效研究──以Java程式設計課程為例




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