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科技新貴的塑身課程—從ACM/IEEE CC2001探討大學資訊科系之課程規劃
Tailored Curricula for Becoming Bobos in the Field of Computer Science — Viewing the Bachelor Programs of Computer Science through ACM/IEEE CC2001
作者 何榮桂陳麗如吳正己
綠色矽島」係臺灣發展之願景。隨著社會對資訊人才需求孔急與「科技新貴」高收入趨勢,促使臺灣的大學院校普遍設立資訊科系,也因而吸引眾多學子將其視為大學入學的首要志願之一。大學資訊學系是培育資訊專才的搖籃,其課程規劃及內容對人才素質和國家競爭力皆有重大影響。本文首先概述ACM和IEEE公布之Computing Curricula 2001(CC2001),其次列舉國內外著名大學的資訊科系課程與特色,並比較其異同。最後探討CC2001 和國外大學資訊科系專業課程對我國資訊科系課程發展之啟示,俾供資訊科學相關領域教師與各界參考。
Fulfilling the “Green Silicon Island” is our country’s vision. With the need of information technology professionals, there are more universities providing computer science programs for freshmen and more freshmen majoring in computer science even if some freshmen know little about computer science education or computing curricula. The computing curricula not only affect the quality of information technology professionals but also influence the development of our country. In this essay, we introduced the Computing Curricula 2001(CC2001) recommended by IEEE and ACM. Second, we took some computer science bachelor programs in USA and Taiwanese universities for examples, and compared their characteristics of curricula. Finally, we analyzed the influences of the CC2001 and American computer science bachelor programs on Taiwan programs; this analysis is useful for the faculties of universities and for information technology businesses.
起訖頁 87-110
關鍵詞 高等教育資訊科學教育資訊課程higher educationcomputer science educationcomputing curriculum
刊名 教育科學研究期刊  
期數 200704 (52:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學
該期刊-上一篇 九年一貫課程數學領域能力指標「數與量」、「代數」主題軸第一、二階段表現標準適切性評估之研究
該期刊-下一篇 職校學生晉升四技二專之主修流動:流動表之應用




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