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Research on the Professional Growth of Elementary School Newly Appointed Teachers after Participating in Classroom Management Teacher Training Courses
作者 汪明怡
The purpose of this study was to examine the current situation, dilemmas, and strategies of classroom management faced by elementary school beginning teachers while teaching, and to explore the implications of these issues for teacher training policies. In this study, the participants were the teachers who participated in the 111th school year in Happy City (pseudonym) and the beginning teachers who took the researcher's classroom management courses. Data was collected prior to the course through the completion of forms, and group discussions were conducted during the course for dialogue. The data were further analyzed to explain the current situation and problems encountered by the beginning teachers in classroom management while teaching, such as parent-teacher communication, students' emotion, student' behavioral problems, peer interaction, and learning motivation. After conducting related courses, the researcher used the feedback forms completed by the beginning teachers to show the beginning teachers' feelings and changes in classroom management after participating in the courses, and accordingly to explore the implications of teacher training. Following were the conclusions based on the description, analyzation, and interpretation of the research data. 1. Beginning teachers' training helped beginning teachers regain an understanding of classroom management in line with education reform. 2. The trainers’ analysis and interpretation of current educational situation were serve as a positive strength for beginning teachers’ classroom management learning paradigm and become a force for supporting the growth of beginning teachers. 3. Beginning teachers’ training helped beginning teachers to reflect, adjust and revise their classroom management philosophy from their experiences.
起訖頁 178-197
關鍵詞 初任教師教師培訓班級經營Beginning TeacherTeacher TrainingClassroom Management
刊名 臺灣教育評論月刊  
期數 202308 (12:8期)
出版單位 臺灣教育評論學會
該期刊-上一篇 優雅老化的意涵及其在高齡教育的啓示




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