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The Changing Role of Readers: Semiotics as a Theory of Education
作者 曾月紅
本文析論應用記號學於教育理論,探討記號學如何轉換讀者角色,並論述以記號學理論(semiotics)為教育理論的基礎。而教育在此指語文和一般教育(數學,自然和社會等科)。讀者的轉換是由傳統的被動及接收,轉變為主動的詮釋者。這個理論改變了傳統的閱讀理論和教學方式,也改變了語文教育。另外,本文認為讀者和學習者的角色並無不同,所以讀者角色的轉變也意味著學習者角色的改變,因此改變學習、教學理論和學習者的角色,進而也可以改變一般教育。本文旨在引進記號學理論,提供現今教育一個新理論,也提供課程設計一個另類的思考,並因應教育理念革新的潮流。本文探討傳統閱讀理論的問題,介紹「記號」的相關理念,並針對兩個記號學家-Peirce 和Eco-的理論,從「詮釋的過程」、「讀者角色」、「文本角色」,和「詮釋的其他特點」等角度來討論,並探討上述理論對教育的影響。為了讓讀者有脈絡可循,筆者在進入探討前,會先介紹現今的閱讀理論,並對記號學做一個概括性的介紹。
Semiotics is the study of “signs,” and this paper discusses the impact of Peirce’s and Eco’s semiotics on language theory and general education. Adopting this semiotic perspective means that readers or learners will no longer play a passive and receptive role, rather, they will now have an active role as interpreters of the text. This paper explores Peirce’s and Eco’s theories with respect to the process of interpretation, the role of the reader and of the text. In the context of educational theory, “readers” can be replaced by “learners.” Currently, Vygotsky’s theory is often seen as an alternative theory of learning and teaching; Dewey’s educational philosophy of experience is also often discussed. However, the author believes that, in our ongoing quest for educational “reform,” we need more emphasis on the relationship between semiotics, cognition and educational theory.
起訖頁 79-100
關鍵詞 記號學教育理論認知學習semioticseducational theoriescognitioninterpretationPeirceEcoactive role in learning
刊名 教育科學研究期刊  
期數 200504 (50:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學
該期刊-上一篇 建構環境藝術教育課程設計與實施之行動研究
該期刊-下一篇 學校組織變革之意識型態研究--以一所國民中學為例




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