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Construction, Reliability and Practical Utility of the WISC-III Forward and Backward Digit Span
作者 陳心怡洪儷瑜 (Li-Yu Hung)
本研究旨在分析魏氏兒童智力量表第三版(Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, the 3rd edition, WISC-III)中,順序與逆序數字記憶廣度二者所測認知能力的內涵,並分析信度且建立常模與差異值基本率以供實務應用。本研究以 WISC-III 1,100位6至16歲台灣常模樣本為對象。主要發現是:(1) 順序與逆序數字記憶廣度的折半信度均在0.80上下, 具相當穩定性;(2)順逆序廣度的g因素負荷量均在0.60左右,與WISC-III各智商及分測驗分數均有顯著正相關,且都與算數、常識、類同、與圖形設計等分測驗有較高關聯;(3)逆序廣度和圖形設計、類同二分測驗的相關顯著高於順序廣度與此二分測驗的相關,逆序廣度可能比順序廣度涉及較多的訊息轉換、認知彈性或視覺空間審視能力;(4)由半淨相關統計結果顯示,排除順序廣度解釋力後,逆序廣度的殘差與WISC-III各分數仍有顯著正相關,且具0.30以上的g因素負荷量;(5)順逆序量表分數差異3分以上便值得注意,4分以上更有深入探討的需要;(6)台灣兒童順逆序廣度的相關比國外研究發現為高,外國受試在二者間所呈現的差異較大。現有文獻對於順逆序記憶廣度差異的內涵,以及國內外發現異同的研究偏少,值得進一步探討。文中也說明研究限制,並對後續研究提出建議。
The purpose of this study was to examine the construction and reliability of forward and backward digit span, and to establish adequate norms and base rates for practical utility. The sample used was the WISC-III Taiwan standardization sample; a total of 1,100 children, aged 6 to 16, were included in this study. The major findings were as follows: (1) Split-half reliabilities for forward and backward digit span are both around 0.80. (2) Both forward and backward digit span have fair g loadings, roughly around 0.60. Also, both indices show significant correlations with all WISC-III IQ and subtest scaled scores. The strongest correlation is with Arithmetic, Information, Block Design and Similarities subtests. (3) Compared to forward digit span, backward digit span has a significantly higher correlation with Block Design and Similarities subtests. (4) Based on semi-partial correlation analysis, it is clear that after eliminating the effect of forward digit span, the backward digit span residual still shows a higher than 0.30 g loading, which also correlates significantly with all WISC-III scores;. (5) According to the base rate information, a 3-point or larger scaled score difference deserves our attention; a difference of more than 4 points is quite rare for normal Taiwanese kids. (6) The correlation between forward and backward span found in this study is higher than that reported in foreign studies. Both the limitations of this research and suggestions for future research are discussed.
起訖頁 19-42
關鍵詞 順序數字記憶廣度逆序數字記憶廣度魏氏兒童智力量表第三版台灣常模基本率Digit Span ForwardDigit Span BackwardWISC-IIITaiwan NormBase Rate
刊名 教育科學研究期刊  
期數 200410 (49:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學
該期刊-上一篇 生態中心論的哲學解析及其在生態教育學建構上的蘊義
該期刊-下一篇 寫字困難學生寫字特徵之分析




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