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The Study of the History of Education in China (1978-2003): A Quantitative Analysis
作者 周愚文 (Yu-Wen Chou)
The purpose of this project was to investigate, using a quantitative approach, the academic study of the History of Education in China as this has developed over the past twenty years. The main findings are as follows:1. As to the number of publications, at least 1577 articles and books were published during this period.2. As to the area of study, publications dealing with the history of Chinese Education were most numerous, followed by those dealing with the history of Western Education. 3. As to topic or theme, essays and books dealing with "institutions and policies" were most numerous, followed by those dealing with "great thinkers and their thoughts." Sub-themes in the area of classical (mainly Chinese) history included: curriculum and mode of instruction, academies, local education, primary education, and civil servant examinations. Sub-themes in the area of modern education included: education in communist-ruled areas, local education, studying abroad, and teacher education. 4. As to the form of publication, articles were more common than books.5. As to the time of publication, 1993-2003 was the most productive period. And the rate of publication in this field is steadily increasing.6. As to targeted period of research, Chinese educational studies tended to focus on modern history (from 1840 to 1949), while Western educational studies tended to focus on the period from the Renaissance to the nineteenth century. Three general tendencies shared by these historical studies were noted: the tendency to deal with new themes or ideas, to do cooperative research (teamwork), and to collect and compile first-hand sources. A comparison of the development of the study of history of education in China with that in Taiwan was also made. Finally, we have made four suggestions regarding further research in this field targeting China, and noted three implications of further researchtargeting Taiwan.
起訖頁 91-102
關鍵詞 教育史量化分析Historiography of EducationHistory of EducationFundemental DisciplinesQuantitative Analysis
刊名 教育科學研究期刊  
期數 200404 (49:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學
該期刊-上一篇 「公民養成方案」影響台灣高中學生公民技能與公民性之實驗研究
該期刊-下一篇 課程統整與教師知識的轉化-以「藝術與人文」領域教師為例




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