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A Survey of the Moral Atmosphere of Elementary and Junior High Schools in Taiwan
作者 李琪明
本文係針對我國國民中小學學生所知覺校園道德氣氛之調查研究。其理論基礎有二: 一是以L.Kohlberg所提倡的「正義社群」理念,及其後有關道德氣氛之相關研究,歸納而為「正義取向」的道德氣氛;二是溯自C.Gilligan所提出的另一種聲音(關懷),以及美國近年來所強調「關懷」氣氛的「新興品德教育」推動,形成「關懷取向」的道德氣氛。本文除採取文獻與理論探討,以及專家焦點座談外,主要研究方法係以國外學者授權中譯且略經修正的二份問卷(分別稱為正義量表與關懷量表),於2002年2-4月間以分層立意取樣調查方式,針對國小五年級及國中二年級學生,施?全國48所學校共計2701份有效問卷。研究結果顯示:(1) 學生在正義取向方面對於「道德假設議題」分量表得分稍低,在「學生與學校關係」上分數較高,整體而言稍高於中間值。(2)至於在關懷取向方面以「學生對尊重的感受」分量表得分稍高,「學生對友誼與歸屬的感受」得分較低,「學生對於形塑環境的感受」居中,整體而言其關懷氣氛較「普通」稍高。(3)針對正義或是關懷取向在不同地區(北部/中部分數高於南部/東部)、學校規模(小型學校分數高於中/大型學校)、學生性別(女生分數高於男生)、教育階段(國小分數高於國中)等變項之差異均達統計上的顯著水準。藉由本研究對於我國國中小校園道德氣氛的關注與整體瞭解,在學術理論方面可望強化國內對於道德教育研究的實徵性研究,以使其理論與實踐間連結更為緊密;在學術應用方面也期能有助於德育政策加強學校文化與氣氛之關注,以提昇未來德育的實施與評鑑,並進而達到學校中心之道德社群願景。
The purpose of this quantitative study was to explore students' perceptions of the moral atmosphere in Taiwan's elementary and junior high schools. The moral atmosphere questionnaires (SMAQ & SCCP ) were based on the theories of "a just community" (a justice-oriented school atmosphere) and "modern character education" (a caring-oriented school atmosphere). 2701 students (5th-graders in elementary schools and 2nd-year junior high school students) from 48 schools across Taiwan participated in this study. The findings were:(1) In regard to SMAQ (justice orientation), the sub-scale for "moral issues" was below the average score, while for "rapport between students and school" it was above average. (2) In regard to SCCP (caring-orientation), the "caring" score was above average. The sub-scale for "perceptions of student respect" had the highest score.(3) Factors which most significantly affected school moral atmosphere were the school district, the number of homerooms per school, the educational level (whether a primary or junior high school), and student gender. That is, schools in northern and central Taiwan scored higher in moral atmosphere than in southern and eastern Taiwan; small schools scored higher than large and middle-sized ones; elementary schools scored higher than junior high schools; and female students scored higher than male students.
起訖頁 1-20
關鍵詞 國民中小學道德氣氛正義關懷moral atmospherejusticecaring
刊名 教育科學研究期刊  
期數 200404 (49:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學
該期刊-下一篇 從被害者理論探討國中女生網路交友性侵害潛在危險之研究




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