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Publication of Jinshenlu in the Qing Dynasty and Its Quarterly Submission for Imperial Review
作者 劉錚雲
In the Qing dynasty, civil official registers and military officer registers were complied as separate volumes. There were two kinds of civil official registers, titled Jinshen quanshu (搢紳全書) and Juezhi quanlan (爵秩全覽) respectively, whereas there was only one kind of military officer registers titled Zhongshu beilan (中樞備覽). Together the three were commonly referred to as Jinshenlu (搢紳錄) or Jinshence (搢 紳冊). By examining the Jinshenlu publications, this article intends to address the question of how the Ministry of Personnel complied and submitted Juezhi quanlan quarterly for imperial review and its relation to the publication of Jinshen quanshu in the Qing dynasty. In March 2, 1773, Fei Nanying (費南英), an Investigating Censor of Jiangnan Circuit, submitted a memorial urging the Emperor to forbid the bookshops from privately publishing unauthorized copies of Jinshenlu. The Emperor accordingly ordered the Ministry of Personnel and that of War to periodically collect and revise the information about civil officials and military officers that were in office, including their names, titles, birth places, and dates of their assumption of offices. The information was then compiled into an official copy of Jinshenlu, which would then be submitted to the emperor for imperial review on a quarterly basis, and lastly, distributed to bookshops for making authenticated duplications for sale. Scholars in the past had pointed out that there were in fact official imprints of Jinshenlu as well as unauthenticated private imprints of Jinshenlu by the bookshops, but none of them paid any attention to how the imperial review proceeded and the role that Juezhi quanlan played in this process. Beginning from Fei’s memorials, this essay shows why there was this quarterly imperial review, and how the registers were compiled and submitted for review. It also examines how the bookshop imprints of Jinshen quanshu were printed out. In addition, based on newly discovered materials, the essay discusses when the extant Ming and Qing Jinshenlu appeared, and how they were published by the bookshops in the Liulichang ward in order to enhance our understanding on Jinshenlu.
起訖頁 345-374
關鍵詞 搢紳錄《爵秩全覽》《搢紳全書》《中樞備覽》費南英JinshenluJuezhi quanlanJinshen quanshuZhongshu beilanFei Nanying
刊名 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊  
期數 201606 (87:2期)
出版單位 中央研究院歷史語言研究所
該期刊-上一篇 馬王堆帛書《刑德》、《陰陽五行》諸篇曆法研究──以《陰陽五行》乙篇為中心
該期刊-下一篇 Philology與史語所:陳寅恪、傅斯年與中國的「東方學」




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