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The Symbolic Expansion of the Meaning and Function of the Rites of Confucian Temples in Imperial China
作者 黃進興
The rites of Confucian Temples are a collective Symbol, or are consisted of a semiotic system of symbols. The rites of Confucian Temples had, through two thousand years of its history, accrued and generated additional meaning and function to incorporate to the imperial system; I call this symbolic reproduction and expansion. Previously, the focus of my research in Confucian Temples is on their origin, with special emphasis given to the interaction between Confucian scholars and secular rulers. This text shifts the level of my focus to the institutional, with close attention on the dynamic changes that occurred in the institutions of the Cult of Confucius through historical time. Although the rites performed in Confucian Temples varied according to geographical and temporal location, as a whole they functioned in harmony with the imperial system of rites. The expansion and glorification of the Cult of Confucius and Confucian Temples is observed both in the administration of the central imperial court and local governments. Occupying the sacred spaces of the state religion, Confucian Temples display a spatial and theological exclusiveness that is characteristic of an official religion, fully distinguishing the Cult of Confucius from folk religions.
起訖頁 471-511
關鍵詞 孔子孔廟聖裔儒教三教ConfuciusConfucian TemplesConfucius’ descendantsConfucianismThree Teachings (Three Religions)
刊名 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊  
期數 201509 (86:3期)
出版單位 中央研究院歷史語言研究所
該期刊-下一篇 《上博九.陳公治兵》編聯及相關問題




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