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Hiring Soldiers to Protect the People: Song Dynasty Arguments Justifying the Use of Mercenary Armies
作者 方震華
During the Northern Song dynasty (960-1127), mercenary soldiers made up a major portion of the military and their salaries became a heavy burden on the government. This phenomenon triggered debates about the military system among the ruling elite. While many Song bureaucrats urged their emperors to replace mercenary soldiers with peasant militia, arguments justifying the use of the mercenary soldier system were also prevalent. Supporters of the peasant militia system argued that recruiting peasants as soldiers was a model established by the ancient sage kings, and, thus, the Song government should use this method to solve its military problems. During the Shenzong period, Wang Anshi did, in fact, attempt to replace mercenary armies with peasant militias, but his policy aroused a great deal of protest. Wang's opponents insisted that mercenary armies provided protection to commoners and allowed peasants to concentrate on agricultural work and enjoying their daily lives. Moreover, separation between peasants and soldiers was of use to the government in maintaining control over society. For these two reasons, Wang's opponents argued, Taizu, the founder of the Song dynasty, had chosen a mercenary system and established this military model for his descendants to follow. The debate between those supporting and opposing mercenary armies constituted a major part of military discourse during the Song dynasty, and created a new military tradition for later rulers who adopted the mercenary system.
起訖頁 43-78
關鍵詞 募兵制王安石宋神宗保甲晁說之Song dynastymercenary armiesWang AnshiEmperor ShenzongmilitiaChao Shuizhi
刊名 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊  
期數 201103 (82:1期)
出版單位 中央研究院歷史語言研究所
該期刊-上一篇 東漢洛陽南郊刑徒墓的性質與法律依據──從《明鈔本天聖令‧獄官令》所附一則唐令說起
該期刊-下一篇 元憲宗朝前後四兀魯思之分封及其動向──大蒙古國政治背景下的山西地區




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