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The Localization of the Cowpox Vaccination in Early Nineteenth-Century China
作者 張嘉鳳
藉由介紹、分析與比較《𠸄吉唎國新出種痘奇書》(1805)、《西洋種痘論》(1815)與《引痘略》(1817)的作者、版本、流通概況、書寫策略與內容,本文嘗試重建十九世紀𠸄吉唎國種痘新法傳入中國初期的歷史,並檢視該法傳華之後的關鍵發展與變化。《𠸄吉唎國新出種痘奇書》是𠸄吉唎醫師皮爾遜(Alexande Pearson)所作,翻譯成中文在華發行,是第一本以中文介紹西洋種痘新法的文本;黃安懷寫作《西洋種痘論》,首倡以在地觀點觀看與詮釋西法;《引痘略》則出於中國種痘師邱熺之手,是十九世紀中國最流行的西法讀本。這三部書籍發行量的多寡與流通地域的廣狹,不僅是它們受歡迎與否的見證,同時也顯示當時中國人對他們不同的接受程度。三位作者的書寫形式、策略與內容,對讀者所造成不一的影響,其中尤以《引痘略》對西洋種痘法的重新定位與詮釋,最能左右與反映十九世紀中國人對西方醫學技術及其理論的典型理解。本文透過比較與分析歐洲與中國作者如何介紹和表述西洋種痘新法,與中國作者如何理解和轉化西洋種痘法的理論與技術,以及將之在地化的思維、策略與目的,凸顯清末中國人學習與觀看西學的複雜目光,以及他們對待西方醫療技術與文化的多元態度,並藉此呈現十九世紀中西醫學技術與文化交流的實況。
By analyzing and comparing three Chinese texts on cowpox vaccination, this article attempts to reconstruct the history of cowpox vaccination in early 19th century China. Examination of these three texts provides compelling historical insights for understanding the Chinese cultural context of the introduction, promotion, acceptance, and dissemination of this Western technique. The first vaccination text analyzed in this article is the one entitled Yingjiliguo Xinchu Zhongdou Qishu (The Extraordinary History of a New Method of Inoculation Discovered in the Kingdom of England, 1805), written by Dr. Alexander Pearson and translated into Chinese by Sir George Thomas Staunton in 1805. This work was published with the help of Zheng Chongqian, a merchant who conducted foreign trade in Guangdong. The second text analyzed in this paper is Xiyang Zhongdou Lun (On the Western Cowpox Vaccination, 1815), written by Huang Anhuai in 1815 with the aim of promoting cowpox vaccination. This was the first Chinese text to apply traditional Chinese medical theory to accommodate this Western technique. Two years later, Qiu Xi, who was a businessman in Macau and an apprentice of Alexander Pearson, published the Yindou Lue (Introduction to the Extraction of the Cowpox Vaccine, 1817) which became the most popular vaccination text throughout the nineteenth century. The publication quantity and geographic areas of circulation of these texts not only reflected their individual popularity, but also showed different degrees of attention and acceptance of these texts by their readers. The authors of these three texts engaged in different writing strategies to introduce and advocate the cowpox vaccination technique, but all three played an indisputably vital role in the promulgation of the vaccination technique in 19th century China. Huang Anhuai and Qiu Xi applied traditional medical doctrines to incorporate the English cowpox vaccination into the Chinese socio-cultural context. Their approach represented some typical Chinese views on this Western medical practice in early nineteenth century China. By examining the subtle differences between how these Chinese authors understood, introduced and localized this vaccination technique, we can gain insight into the diverse array of thoughts on the relationship between this Western medical technique and the Chinese medical tradition.
起訖頁 755-812
關鍵詞 𠸄吉唎國新出種痘奇書西洋種痘論引痘略牛痘種痘Yingjiliguo Xinchu Zhongdou QishuXiyang Zhongdou LunYindou LuevaccinationAlexander Pearson
刊名 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊  
期數 200712 (78:4期)
出版單位 中央研究院歷史語言研究所
該期刊-上一篇 商人日干為生稱以及同干不婚的意義




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