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中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

A Study and Analysis of the Monastery of Primordial Mystery in Guangzhou
作者 黎志添
The Daoist Monastery of Primordial Mystery (Yuanmiao guan 元妙觀 or called Xuanmaio guan 玄妙觀) in Guangzhou city was founded in the Song, passed through the later Dynasties of Yuan, Ming and Qing, and had lasted for more than nine hundred years. The Monastery underwent at least fourteen extensive repairs during the period between the northern Song and the late Qing. Although it had been destroyed for many times as a result of wars when imperial dynasty fell, the Monastery was unceasingly extant in the West of the old Guangzhou city. Since the beginning of the Republican period, the Monastery was gradually destroyed and eventually disappeared. Nowadays, many historians and citizens of Guangzhou city cannot recognize any historical details about this oldest Daoist monastery in Guangzhou. The present paper explores the changing histories of the Monastery from the Song until the Qing. The aim is to characterize its historical and religious background and to place in a larger academic context of studying history of Daoism in Guangzhou city. The present paper makes extensive use of epigraphy of the Monastery, which reveals the historical development of the Monastery. Although only one stele of the Monastery dated from 1079 is now kept in the Guangzhou museum, the author of this essay has collected epigraphy of seven steles of the Monastery handed down from the Song. The present paper makes use of them as key sources to analyze the Monastery. The present paper covers three main parts. It begins with a summary of the historical development of the Monastery since 1009. Thereafter, it attempts to reconstruct the architecture of the Monastery by analyzing the materials of epigraphy of the Monastery as well as local gazetteers of Guangdong province. Finally, the present paper will trace the history of Daoism in Guangzhou city through the three aspects of Daoist masters, Daoist liturgical activities, and Daoist establishment, which were centered in the Monastery.
起訖頁 445-513
關鍵詞 廣州元妙觀廣州道教史道教地方史The Daoist Monastery of Primordial Mystery in Guangzhouhistory of Daoism in Guangzhoulocal history of Daoism
刊名 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊  
期數 200409 (75:3期)
出版單位 中央研究院歷史語言研究所
該期刊-上一篇 從溫詞〈歸國遙〉「小鳳戰篦金颭艷」句五家注的討論談到注解的態度與方法問題
該期刊-下一篇 蒙古《大明永樂帝建造北京城》故事探源




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