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中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The Epidemics in Ming Beijing and the Responses from the Empire's Public Health System
作者 邱仲麟
In this article, I traced each epidemic outbreak of Ming Dynasty's Beijing, including the symptoms, the urban sanitary conditions, and the government's responses. There were 15-recorded outbreaks in Beijing throughout the Ming Dynasty. Except for two, all occurred after 1540 and mainly during the reigns of Jiajing (1522-1567), Wanli (15731620) and late Chongzhen (1628-1644). The worst case was the pandemic of 1643. According to the records, these epidemics included smallpox, ''big head plague,'' ''sheep's wool plague,'' ''pimple plague'' and ''vomit blood plague.'' The 1643 ''pimple plague'' and ''vomit blood plague,'' judging by the symptoms, were possibly bubonic plague and pneumonic plague. During each outbreak, the empire's public health system, led by the Imperial Medical Department, played a major role in fighting the disease. It actually functioned in the reigns of Jiajing and Wanli, but failed miserably during the 1643 pandemic. Since the outbreak went uncontrolled, it claimed 200,000 lives in Beijing that year, and therefore severely compromised Beijing's defense against Li Zicheng's siege in the next year. The 1643 pandemic indirectly caused Beijing's fall and the demise of the Ming Empire.
起訖頁 331-388
關鍵詞 北京瘟疫腺鼠疫公共衛生醫療體系Beijingepidemicbubonic plaguepublic healthmedical system
刊名 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊  
期數 200406 (75:2期)
出版單位 中央研究院歷史語言研究所
該期刊-上一篇 中國夜未眠──明清時期的元宵、夜禁與狂歡
該期刊-下一篇 金石盟──〈御製天主堂碑記〉與清初的天主教




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