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The Question of the Authenticity of the Mao Kung Ting Seen from the Use of Its Vocabulary
作者 朱國藩
The Mao Kung Ting, a bronze ritual vessel of the Western Chou, was first introduced to the world by the Ch'ing scholar and official Ch'en Chieh-ch'i 陳介祺. In the fifth month of the second year of Hsien-feng 咸豐 (1852) Ch'en made an ink rubbing of the inscription of the Mao Kung Ting as well as a partial transcription, and gave a description of the vessel. Unfortunately, he did not elaborate in his record on the date of its discovery but merely stated that it was recently unearthed in Ch'i-shan 岐山 (district in Shensi 陝西). During the period when the Mao Kung Ting was in Ch'en's hands (1852-1884) rumors circulated that the Mao Kung Ting was a forgery. One of the reasons for the suspicion might have been due to the secrecy surrounding the bronze vessel. None of his friends was permitted to view this particular item. Only a few ink rubbings were available. Two were sent to his closest associates Hsü T'ung-po 徐同柏 and Wu Shih-fen 吳式芬 to be deciphered. The first scholar who took the view that the Mao Kung Ting was not a genuine Chou bronze vessel was Chang Chih-tung 張之洞, and subsequently Wei Chü-hsien 衛聚賢 took the same view. The points of their criticism are, however, considered groundless by most Chinese scholars and archaeologists today.
起訖頁 459-492;505-507
關鍵詞 毛公鼎銘文詞彙真偽Mao Kung Tinginscriptionvocabularyauthenticity
刊名 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊  
期數 200006 (71:2期)
出版單位 中央研究院歷史語言研究所
該期刊-上一篇 試論臺灣各時代的哺乳動物群及其相關問題——臺灣地區動物考古學研究的基礎資料之一(下篇)




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