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The Construction of Test of Visual Perception of Chinese Characters
作者 洪儷瑜 (Li-Yu Hung)
本研究旨以中文書寫文字系統原理與閱讀視知覺能力的發展為依據,配合中文閱讀歷程的追蹤研究,以心理測驗理論探討「漢字視知覺測驗」編制的可行性,以為未來編制診斷之參考。「漢字視知覺測驗」包括六個分測驗,記憶廣度、序列記憶、圖形區辨,文字符號區辨、部件辨識與組字規則等,經國小二、五或三、六年級學生預試後,有下列三項主要發現:1.本測驗國小二、五或三、六年級學生適用性多數獲得肯定,僅組字規則與記憶廣度測驗對部分年級學生的適用性未被確定;2.本測驗各分測驗在國小兩個年級(二、五或三、六)受試所得內部一致性尚稱滿意,但時間穩定性僅部件辨識與組字規則具有較佳的重測信度;3.本測驗 各分測驗經考驗具滿意的內容、同時與建構效度。
The study aims to preliminarily investigate the fitness of the Test of Visual Perception of Chinese Characters (TVPCC) for primary graders. The TVPCC is specially designed on the basis of the development of visual perception in reading and theory of Chinese orthography, which comprises six sub-tests: memory span, order memory, figure discrimination, signal discrimination, grapheme discrimination, and awareness of orthography. The ratio of subjects who succeeds 75% of the items in each sub-test in each grade indicates the fitness of the TVPCC for the 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 6th graders. The reliability and validity of the first five sub-tests of the TVPCC were examined by the 2nd and 5th graders, and the sub-test awareness of orthography were done by the 3rd and 6th graders. It was found that the internal con-sistency with a coefficient of the TVPCC ranged from to was very satisfied. However, the 3-week inter-val retest reliability ranged from. 2758 to. 9633 , which indicated the steadiness of the four sub-tests is not acceptable, but the sub-test of grapheme discrimination was very satisfactory. The internal, concur-rent and construct validities of the TVPCC were acceptable and prove the validity of the TVPCC. Ac-cording to the limitation and findings of this study, several recommendations was made for further de-velopment and research of the TVPCC.
起訖頁 059-073
關鍵詞 視知覺中文閱讀閱讀困難Chinese readingreading difficultyvisual perception
刊名 教育科學研究期刊  
期數 199710 (42:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學
該期刊-上一篇 諮商歷程中諮商員與當事人互動關係之分析
該期刊-下一篇 從PRECEDE模式中教育與行為診斷來探討青少年事故傷害發生之影響因素




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