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A Survey on Students' Course-taking Practice and Problems at Taiwan Normal University
作者 黃政傑李春芳
根據研究目的,研究者設計了調查問卷乙份,選取七十四學年下學期的師大日間部學生進行調查。總樣本數共有九百零五人,依學院、年級、性別三個變項予以 適當分配。收回的問卷後剔除無效問卷,共得八九九份可用卷,可用率將近百分之百。資料分析除計算每題各選項上填答待百分比外,尚以X2統計考驗各系院、年籍、性別間之差異。
There are five purposes in this study:(1) to find out the factors which influence students' course-taking decisions; (2) to find out the limitations and problems of students' course-taking; (3) to investigate how frequently students take courses offered by other departments or other universities; (4) to investigate students' need of course-taking guidance; (5) to investigate students opinions about their curricculum.The research tool is a questionnaire designed by the research group, which includes 40 questions. The sample was taken from Taiwan Normal University. A survey was executed in the second semester of 1985 Academic Year. 899 students in schools of Education, iberal Art, Natural Science, and Art have filled out the questionnaries and returned them. The data were analyzed by caculating the frequencies, percentages and X2 statistic.Many findings are very important. For example, both what and how a teacher teaches are more important than other factors that influence students' course-taking decisions; a student has a need to know the course content, teaching style and evaluation methods of any courses /he wants to take; the students also need course-taking guidance form their major departments, however, they suggested that their higher-grade peers were good counselors to them and have actual influences on their decisions. Based on these findings and others, many suggestions to the university are made finally.
起訖頁 089-145
刊名 教育科學研究期刊  
期數 198803 (33:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學
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