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篇名 |
以艾斯納(E.W. Eisner)「學術本位的美術教育」(DBAE)為理論基礎探討現今我國國民美術教育
並列篇名 |
Theory, Practice and Discipline-Based Art Education in Public Schools in Taiwan |
作者 |
郭禎祥、楊須美 |
中文摘要 |
本文以敘述法探討我國當今國民美術教育課程內容、教學目標、觀念、師資、資源等是否反應或配合當前先進國家的美術教育傾向,「以學術為本位的美術教育」-- DBAE(Discipinee Based Art Eaucation)等為理念的教學計畫。為了要探討在這方面的發展概念與狀況,本研究主要參照美國、加拿大美術教育文獻-Studies in Art Education and Ard Education等歸納的範疇並選擇艾斯納為代表,分析討論他的DBAE理論基礎(DBAE美術教育的四大範疇:1.美術創作、2.美術鑑賞(分析、批評)、3.美術史與文化、4.美學(審美感))。根據艾斯納之DBAE為理論架構來探討現今我國國民美術教育狀況。目前我國美術教育在各階層學校因師資與設備、資源管道的貧乏,以往大多著重美術創作層面而忽略了其他美術鑑賞(分析、批評)、美術史(文化)和美學(審美能力)等藝術全面性領域的培養。以致廣大社會大眾在高度物質生活中卻能泰然無視於生活環境中處處可見的視覺污染,美術教育的功能似乎仍然未能彰顯。有關「美術教育」的涵義與教學尚待闡明與改進,期盼能藉此為轉型期的國家社會培育出既能為傳統文化傳薪又能開創新文化境界的明日公民。 |
英文摘要 |
The purpose of this study is to determine whether or not the content of art the education programs of the public schools in Taiwan are reflective of the key concepts of DBAE--Diacipline- Based Art Education. To identify and trace the development of ideas in the field, the related literature was reviewed and The Role of Discipline-Based Art Education in America's Schools by Dr. Eisner was used as the rationale to evaluate the current art programs of the public schools in Taiwan in the light of the DBAE prescription that content be balnced among the four disciplines. It is evident that the school art programs of elementary and scondary schools in Taiwan are far from the balanced requirments dealing with the four disciplines, but it is clear that attempts should be made to move in that direction if we are to improve the school art programs, and to better educate our youngster. |
起訖頁 |
575-593 |
刊名 |
教育科學研究期刊 |
期數 |
198803 (33:1期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
印象主義之前-西洋風景畫的萌芽及其演變 |