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Viewing Heidegger’s Ethics from the Concept of Conscience
作者 汪文聖 (Wen-Sheng Wang)
This article discusses Heidegger’s ethical issues from the concept of“conscience.”I first regard“conscience”as a supplementary appeal to lack or guilt, and then place Heidegger’s emphasis on existential conscience on the ontological level of“Being of Earth,”which is different from what he criticizes can be placed on“Cultural World”and vulgar conscience at the epistemological level. I also reveal that existential conscience is the calling of Being to Dasein, and this is the calling of Being to Dasein that manifests its lack or guilt. But the reason why Dasein can be summoned by Being is precisely because Dasein is no longer“the‘they’”(das Man), and no longer thinks that he has escaped from the facticity portrayed by being thrown and falling, and can simply go free to the possibility described by projection. Dasein must be able to freely open to the guilt, not deliberately avoid or forget the facticity, and then“let”the guilt appear so that Dasein can let Being call to Dasein. This topic is the most key point of this article. But why can we talk about ethics from the standpoint of ontology? In the end, I will trace the transition of Western metaphysics from the discussion of being in general to the discussion of human being, which opened up the path of metaphysics of morality. In view of this, Heidegger’s ethics can be said to be the metaphysics that he deconstructed and reconstructed from the Western traditional metaphysics. Because this metaphysics mainly takes human’s being as the theme, it opens up Heidegger’s metaphysics of morality or Ethics.
起訖頁 83-101
關鍵詞 海德格良知存在性良知匱乏罪責HeideggerConscienceExistential ConscienceLackingguiltLetting be
刊名 中山人文學報  
期數 202307 (55期)
出版單位 國立中山大學文學院
該期刊-上一篇 從 Ereignis 談莊子與海德格的物觀及其思想中的倫理性
該期刊-下一篇 負死而生 海德格與托爾斯泰之現象學關聯




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