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Contemporary Art as Tribal Tradition and Memory Inheritance: The Case Study of Mipaliw Land Art Festival
作者 董維琇 (Wei Hsiu, Tung)
For more than ten years Taiwan has offered many ways of renewing our understanding of local traditions such as through art festivals and the engagement of contemporary art. Local traditions as inheritance have thus been ascribed a new meaning. This article takes the 2021 Mipaliw Land Art festival, in Hualien, as an example whereby contemporary art is used as a medium for tribal production, ecological restoration and the promotion of aboriginal cultural values. Forums and workshops led by tribal people were set up to discuss issues related to tribes as well as local culture, history and craftsmanship to inform the public. Here the art festival is no longer a short-term ceremonial event but can become part of life. Artist-in-residence schemes make local life such as farming, forestry, and tribal historical memory and tradition become the expression of artistic creation and language. This article discusses how contemporary art intervenes in tribal tradition and memory inheritance, including the participatory art projects of Chen Jianbei and Kang Yazhu and their cooperation with tribal people. The festival project, which in actual fact spans several years, explores how the tribe’s cultural traditions and memory of its elderly rethink its tangible and intangible cultural assets through interaction with contemporary art, thus making its important traditions and memories endure. The process of collaborative and participatory artistic creation involving the community, local elders, artists, and the curatorial team allow for the cultural roots of the tribe to be re-established. The project also contributes to the empowerment of the community, the renewed meaning of its cultural inheritance, and the strengthening of sustainability. It also provides a foundation for local creativity as well as an alternative way of interpreting and understanding and an opportunity for placemaking.
起訖頁 21-35
關鍵詞 森川里海濕地藝術季參與式藝術創作部落傳統與記憶傳承地方創生人地關係Mipaliw Land Art Festivalparticipatory arttribal tradition and memory inheritancecreative placemakingrelation between human and land
刊名 南藝學報  
期數 202306 (26期)
出版單位 國立臺南藝術大學
該期刊-上一篇 解放、連結與批判整體論:初探當代藝術中的河流實踐
該期刊-下一篇 社區影像的論述形構:以台南市「家鄉紀錄手」作品為例




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