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Women and Their Natal Families in T'ang China: A Preliminary Investigation
作者 陳弱水 (Jo-shui Chen)
This article examines the relationship between married women and their natal families in T'ang China (618-907). ''Natal families'' (pen-chia) here refer to the families of women's parents and those of their brothers. As traditional Chinese (dominantly Confucian) ethics almost absolutizes the value of the integration of women into their husbands' families, throughout the imperial era the relationship between women and their natal families received little attention in formal discourses. As a result, T'ang documents only sporadically record information in this regard. Neither has modem scholarship paid much attention to the topic. The relationship of women with their natal families, however, was in fact an important aspect of their life. An investigation into the subject, as the present work attempts to do, will contribute greatly to an adequate understanding of women's life in T'ang China. It is also likely that this inquiry will shed light on the question of the status of women in premodern China. The appraisal of women's changing status in traditional times has been a major point of interest for historians of Chinese women, and scholars have been using the social demand on women's chastity toward their husbands as the primary yardstick for their evaluation thereof. This paper will suggest that knowledge about women's relationships with their natal families can provide another valuable perspective on the matter. Generally speaking, in the Chinese context, a social atmosphere that tolerates women's ties with their original families not only offers support to women living in their husbands' families, but also signals the importance of the daughter's role in a family. To the contrary, a cultural milieu that discourages these ties will likely have a reverse effect on the status of women. Structurally, in addition to an ''Introduction'' and ''Conclusion,'' this article is divided into two parts. The first discusses the norms pertaining to the relationship of women with their natal families; the second explores actual conditions, covering a wide range of subjects.
起訖頁 167-248
關鍵詞 唐代社會唐代文化唐代婦女娘家
刊名 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊  
期數 199703 (68:1期)
出版單位 中央研究院歷史語言研究所
該期刊-上一篇 中國古代「禁方」考論
該期刊-下一篇 魯凱語萬山方言句法關係的表示




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