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The Tsou Temporal, Aspectual and Modal System Revisited
作者 Elizabeth Zeitoun (Elizabeth Zeitoun)
本文主要探討鄒語的時制、動貌與語氣系統。我的研究目標有兩個:一方面,就以前對鄒語時貌系統所做的分析再作評定(參見Tung 1964, Zeitoun 1992, Szakos 1994);另一方面,是以文法關係型態的觀點來重新考慮鄒語的語料,進而探討鄒語和幾個台灣南島語言/方言所顯現的一些異同。一般台灣南島語時貌的呈現有兩種方法來表示,一種是利用動詞的詞綴(包括焦點系統)或重疊,另一種則是藉由時間副詞。鄒語則有所不同,時貌的呈現是由助動詞來表示。台灣南島語和鄒語的相同點在於時貌都可分為事實和非事實。鄒語的助動詞在事實可分為出現在主事者焦點結構(表示非完成貌)和非主事者焦點結構(表示完成貌)兩大類;在非事實,助動詞可出現在主事者焦點或非主事者焦點結構,但是完成貌/非完成貌的區別並不存在。另外,在事實和非事實可利用「遠隔」和「臨近」的對立來細分鄒語的助動詞。
In the present paper, I investigate the temporal, aspectual and modal system of Tsou. My aim is two-fold: (1) I intend to reassess previous analyses made on this topic (see Tung 1964; Zeitoun 1992 and Szakos 1994) and (2) to re-examine the Tsou data in a typological perspective in order to present a unified study that takes into consideration not only this language but also highlights in what respects it differs from other Formosan languages. I show that the temporal, aspectual and modal system of Tsou is based, as in most Formosan languages, on a basic modal dichotomy where realis contrasts with irrealis. In the realis, auxiliary verbs are divided into two categories, according to whether they occur in AF (imperfective) or NAF (perfective) constructions. In the irrealis, all the auxiliary verbs can occur in AF and NAF constructions but the imperfective/ perfective dichotomy is not found. Auxiliary verbs may further be divided according to whether they refer to a remote or immediate situation both in the realis and in the irrealis.
起訖頁 503-532
關鍵詞 Formosan languageTsoutenseaspectmodality
刊名 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊  
期數 199609 (67:3期)
出版單位 中央研究院歷史語言研究所
該期刊-上一篇 他買了筆十枝與漢語詞組結構
該期刊-下一篇 漢唐之間醫書中的生產之道




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