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The phonological System of the Jarut Variety of Mongolian
作者 蕭素英
本文所謂的扎魯特旗蒙古話,指內蒙昭烏達盟扎魯特旗(熱河省魯北,今屬哲里木盟)所說的蒙古話,這個地點目前仍未有方言調查報告發表。我們以衍生音韻學的觀點,分析扎魯特旗蒙古話的音韻系統,所使用的語料主要由作者於民國八十二年一月至五月間於台北調查紀錄。文中分節探討扎魯特旗蒙古話的音位、音節結構與音位分佈限制、語位結構、音韻規律等。此外,文後附錄了約一千六百個扎魯特旗蒙古話與回鶻式蒙文的詞彙對照表。根據我們的分析,扎魯特蒙古話有十九個輔音音位、七個短元音音位、七個長元音音位、九個複元音。口語中i以外的前元音都不是獨立的音位。音節結構為'(C) V (C) (C)',音節尾可有複輔音;語位結構為'(C) V (C) (C) (CV (C) (C))n,。重音不是音位性的,位於第一個長元音或複元音或第一音節。元音和諧的語音基礎為咽化與非咽化的區別,我們以 [±RTR] 表示。此外,由我們的語料與分析看來,扎魯特蒙古話元音和諧的類型正在由前後和諧向著咽化和諧的類型改變,因而支持Svantesson(1985)蒙古話由西向東在元音和諧上有類型轉變的主張。關於詞幹結尾長元音/複元音與附加成分開頭的長元音/複元音間的過渡輔音-g-,我們主張-g-是附加成分的開頭,而非憑空插入的。這個g-在加上以長元音或複元音結尾的詞幹時保留,若詞幹以輔音結尾,則g-被刪除。
This article is a field -work report on the phonological system of the hitherto undescribed Jarut variety of Inner Mongolian. I adopt the theoretical model of a somewhat updated classical generative phonology. The paper is divided into 6 sections. Section 1 is a brief introduction. Sections 2 to 4 deal with the phonemes in Jarut Mongolian and their distinctive features, the syllable structure rule and the constraints on the distribution of the phonemes, and the morpheme structure rule. Section 5 describes some phonological rules, such as vowel harmony, fronting, short vowel weakening, deletion and insertion. Section 6 is the conclusion . The appendix contains the bulk of the lexical material on which the paper is based, giving the colloquial Jarut words with their corresponding forms in standard Classical Mongolian. There are 19 consonants, 7 short vowels, 7 long vowels and 9 diphthongs in Jarut Mongolian. Stress is not phonemic. The syllable structure is '(C)V(C) (C), and the morpheme sturcture is '(C)V(C)(C)(CV(C)(C))n'. Besides, because the phonetic base for vowel harmony in Jarut Mongolian is pharyngealization, we use [ ± RTR] to distinguish the so-called 'male vowels' from the 'female vowels'. Our Jarut data support Svantesson's (1985) claim that there is a typological change from palatal harmony to pharyngeal harmony in Inner Mongolian dialects. We treat the 'intrusive -g-' between two long vowels/dipthongs as the onset of suffixes rather than as an insertion.
起訖頁 107-244
刊名 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊  
期數 199503 (66:1期)
出版單位 中央研究院歷史語言研究所
該期刊-上一篇 Modals as Verbs in Chinese: A GB Perspective
該期刊-下一篇 古籍中與「函」字有關的訓解問題




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