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The Origin of the particle '.te' 的and 'ti' 底
作者 梅祖麟
When the particle ti 底 appeared in Late Middle Chinese, around the 8th or 9th century, it was primarily used as the marker of nominal subordination in the middle of a nominal phrase, hence similar to the classical chih 之. It was also used as a nominalizer at the end of a nominal phrase, hence similar to the classical che 者. Because of the dual similarity, previous scholars have proposed that ti was derived from chih, or from che, or from both. The present paper argues that ti was exclusively derived from chih and tries to account for the occurrence of ti in phrase-final position. The phonological section (1) shows that chih split into a doublet because the literary form preserved the -j- medial whereas the colloquial 之 OC*tjəg>tjəï>tjəi>tjɛi>tɛi>底 MC tei>ti 之 *tjəg>tjɛi> 之 MC tśï>chih (2) argues that all known instances of similar splits involve only the loss of -j-, never the development of -j- into -i-, and this fact supports Li Rong's view that IVth Division words, including ti, do not have medial -i- in MC, and (3) after examining the phonological patterns of interchange of characters in Tun-huang texts, due to merger, and Tibetan transcriptions of Late Middle Chinese, concludes that 者 tja>tśja>che could not develop into 底 tei>ti, nor could chih and che merge into a single form.
起訖頁 141-172
刊名 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊  
期數 198803 (59:1期)
出版單位 中央研究院歷史語言研究所
該期刊-上一篇 「濁上歸去」與現代方言
該期刊-下一篇 北京音系裡陰平字增加的趨勢




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