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The Perspective of Out of Balance in the Study of International Relations: Theoretical Analysis and Case Verification
作者 張凱銘
This article has explored the perspective of ''Out of Balance'' of international relations studies. The ''Out of Balance'' perspective was derived from the ''Balance Theory'' of the school of Realism, while affirming the essential ideas of the ''Balance Theory'', it also emphasizes the power advantage of the United States in the post-Cold War era has made the current international system present a stable state of imbalance, neither the logic of“Balance of Power”or“Soft Balancing”can be applied to the United States. Researchers of the ''Out of Balance'' perspective thus advocated that the U.S. foreign policy should get rid of concerns about systematic constraints, try to resist the temptation of isolationism, and maintain a deep engagement in international affairs, to protect its national security and interest. Over the past two decades, the ''Out of Balance'' perspective research has gradually gained attention in the field of international relations studies, although it has certain academic innovation significance, due to the relatively short time of development, the current research still has some imperfections. This article has reviewed the development context and the main contents of the ''Out of Balance”perspective, then use it to analyze the trend of U.S. diplomacy in recent years, so as to verify its policy suggestions value, the shortcomings of current research, and propose possible ways to improve, expect to promote the progress on this new research issue.
起訖頁 34-61
關鍵詞 失衡觀點權力平衡威脅平衡柔性平衡美國外交政策The ''Out of Balance'' PerspectiveBalance of PowerBalance of ThreatSoft BalancingU.S. Foreign Policy
刊名 全球政治評論  
期數 202304 (82期)
出版單位 國立中興大學國際政治研究所
該期刊-上一篇 解放軍無人機的運用與對我之威脅
該期刊-下一篇 歐洲整合之屬性:共同制度下的階層制秩序還是無政府狀態?




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