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New discovery of Vietnamese Chinese Yan Xing Documents:Investigation of the author of“Hua Cheng Ou Bi Lu”
作者 陳益源 (CCHEN YI-YUAN)
In 2002, the Chinese version of“Summary of the Bibliography of Hán Nôm in Vietnam”provided us with another perspective to understand Vietnamese sinology. In 2010,“The Collection of Vietnamese Yan Xing Documents”published 79 copies of original Vietnamese Yan Xing documents promoted the research trend of East Asian envoy's journey records, which made a great contribution. However, due to the errors in the records of“Summary of the Bibliography of Hán Nôm in Vietnam”and insufficient research of“The Collection of Vietnamese Yan Xing Documents”, the author of the ''Hua Cheng Ou Bi Lu'' included in the 12th volume of“The Collection of Vietnamese Yan Xing Documents”was mislabeled as LêQuang Nguyên黎光院. In fact, the dynasty of Nguyên阮朝did not have an envoy like LêQuang Nguyên. This article discovers this problem, and uses the collection poems“Jin Tai Cao”of Phan Thanh Giản潘清简and others Sino-Vietnamese Literature as evidence to explain the cause of the error, and clearly points out that the author of“Hua Cheng Ou Bi Lu”is the second deputy envoy Nguyễn HuệChiêu阮煇炤to China on the year of 1833 (Minh Mạng Guisi明命癸巳).
起訖頁 1-18
關鍵詞 越南燕行文獻華程偶筆錄黎光院阮輝炤VietnamYan Xin DocumentsHua Cheng Ou Bi LuLêQuang NguyênNguyễn HuệChiêu
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 202306 (36期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-下一篇 試論晚清創作小說對凡爾納小說接受――以《月球殖民地小說》、《新法螺先生譚》、《新石頭記》為例




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