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Daniel Defoe's Analysis of Commerce and Religion in the History of England (1490-1730)
作者 陳建元 (Chien-yuen Chen)
本文討論英格蘭著名政論與小說作家丹尼爾‧笛福(Daniel Defoe,1660-1731)的宗教思想如何影響他對歷史的看法,笛福用《舊約聖經》以及基督教教會發展的歷史來強調,人類歷史之開展即是上帝意志之展現。本文第一部分將回顧既有研究並指出本文所要補足之處。第二部分則指出笛福格外推崇古代腓尼基人在航海和貿易方面的成就,他認為這與十八世紀英格蘭有許多相類之處。笛福詮釋兩個民族都在完成上帝的神意,要將上帝對人們的恩賜在世界各處散佈。第三部分接著探討摩西和希伯來人直接從上帝那得到了文字的知識,而這正證實了希伯來人作為被揀選的民族的地位。而英格蘭人由於信仰猶太--基督教,所以不會重蹈腓尼基人的覆轍,笛福詮釋英格蘭繼承了兩個古老民族的各自優點。第四部分則是從笛福詮釋英格蘭羊毛業自十五世紀末至十八世紀初的日益壯大來證明英格蘭乃是受上帝眷顧之民族。第五部分則從宗教改革來論述光榮革命之正當性,並指出作為新教徒的英格蘭比起天主教徒是更為接近神意的民族,英格蘭從亨利八世(Henry VIII,1491-1547)以降的國力提升與商業擴張正是有力的見證。第六部分結論則扼要總結全文論旨,並指出未來可繼續延伸之研究課題。
This paper examines how Daniel Defoe's (1660-1731) religious beliefs have shaped his view of history. Defoe believed that the course of human history manifested God's will, drawing from the Old Testament and the history of the Christian Church. The first section reviews existing research on Defoe's religious thought. The second section discusses Defoe’s admiration for the Phoenicians' achievements in navigation and trade, paralleling 18th-century England. He sees both groups to be fulfilling God's will to spread His gifts worldwide, suggesting God can use the accomplishments of pagan nations to benefit Christian nations. The third section highlights Moses and the Hebrews, who received writing directly from God, confirming their status as the chosen people. Defoe saw England, influenced by Judeo-Christianity, as inheriting strengths from the Hebrews and the Phoenicians without repeating their mistakes. Defoe explores the topic of God's favor towards the English people. In the fourth section, by pointing out the flourishing wool industry in England. He sees this as a clear sign of divine benevolence, indicating that God is favorably disposed toward the nation. The fifth section argues that Defoe asserted that the Glorious Revolution aligned perfectly with God's will, primarily due to England's steadfast commitment to Protestantism. The sixth section concludes and suggests future research directions.
起訖頁 23-58
關鍵詞 丹尼爾.笛福英格蘭宗教改革英格蘭史新教神恩Daniel Defoe (1660-1731)English ReformationHistory of EnglandProtestantismProvidence
刊名 成大歷史學報  
期數 202306 (64期)
出版單位 國立成功大學歷史學系
該期刊-上一篇 「古典中國」的成立:以喪服禮的展開為例
該期刊-下一篇 1870年代西方旅人筆下的京都古寺




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