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課程與教學季刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Required or Elective? Coping with the Dilemma of Issue-based Curriculum in Teacher Education Program
作者 李真文
議題教育突顯了教育具有前瞻性,倘若無法落實,前瞻即是空談。師資職前教育課程於103 學年迎來了「教育議題專題」,一時議題教育由懸缺課程躍升為正式課程,且列為必修,甚是風光。但108 學年起改由各校決定開設與否,如此的轉變令人憂喜參半。我國推動十二年國教之際,鑑於重大議題增多且做為108 新課綱的重要一環,師資培育機構如何因應此波課程轉變,進而培育未來教師具備議題教育的素養,此為本文主要焦點。研究者首先審視我國自九年一貫課程實施時期轉換至108 新課綱實施時期,師培機構開設因應各類重要議題教育的情形。其次,就「教育議題專題」改為選修或停開,師培機構議題教育的下一步有哪些可能?同時,就議題教育在師培機構實施的困境加以探論,透過新課綱核心素養與教師專業素養的連結,討論未來教師的議題教育素養如何培育?本文梳理可能的課程與教學形式,以及相關的配套措施,替師培機構因應議題教育的未來發展,提供參考建議,期能與師培工作者共同思索師資生議題教育素養的更多可能。
'Studies on Educational Issues'', a course dealing with social changes, was once a forward-looking and a required course in the pre-service teacher education programs. but it is now an elective option. As the 12-year Basic Education is now implemented in Taiwan, yet the issue-based education is no more a compulsory requirement for student teachers, how can they deal with major issues in their future teaching? This paper aimed to examine how the teacher preparation institutions equipped their students with the skills of the issue-inquiry and problem solving. Specifically, the author analyzed the quality and quantity of professional learning experiences related to issue-based curriculum offered by teacher training institutions. The results indicated that issue-based education had a strong connection with competency-oriented teaching which 12-year Basic Education advocated, and it fit the professional standards and competency for pre-service teachers. By including important issues on social changes and future scenario in the formal, informal and hidden curriculum at the universities and colleges, teacher preparation institutions will enhance the prospective teachers’ capacity to execute the inquiry-based teaching on major issues, as transformative intellectuals concern about.
起訖頁 81-104
關鍵詞 師資培育教育議題專題轉化型知識份子議題教育議題課程Issue-based EducationIssue-based CurriculumStudies on Educational IssuesTeacher EducationTransformative Intellectuals
刊名 課程與教學季刊  
期數 202301 (26:1期)
出版單位 中華民國課程與教學學會
該期刊-上一篇 道德典範人物的多元取徑探究及其品德教育示例
該期刊-下一篇 教師建構學生內容知識之探究:以國中國文科教學實踐為例




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